DP World, Tata Group Mull Cooperation Opportunities

Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem , Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DP World, has met senior executives from India's Tata Group to explore opportunities for cooperation, knowledge sharing and best practice. Discussions covered logistics and supply chain operations, innovative customer care and creating high quality, sustainable services.

DUBAI: Bell gains European certification for 505 Jet Ranger X

Bell Helicopter has finally secured long-overdue European certification for its 505 Jet Ranger X, with deliveries scheduled to begin in the region in early 2018. The 505 originally gained approval from lead agency Transport Canada in late 2016, with the US Federal Aviation Administration following suit in June this year.

How Saudi Arabia and allies strong-armed Qatar, blindsided U.S.

DUBAI, June 7 One of the first signs of the crisis in which three Gulf states and Egypt have cut ties with Qatar came in a phone call from an anxious government adviser to a Reuters journalist early on May 24. In the 6.00 a.m. call, he denied Qatar's emir made comments reported by the state-run news agency criticising hostility to Iran, sympathising with three Islamist groups, accusing Saudi Arabia of adopting an extremist ideology that fosters terrorism and suggesting Donald Trump may not last long as U.S. president. The adviser repeated a statement released hours earlier which said the news agency had been hacked, seeming unaware that Reuters had already reported the denial.

UAE arms show comes as Yemen war, suspicions of Iran linger

Fighter jets screaming overhead and theatrical explosions marked the opening of an arms show Sunday in Abu Dhabi, as a bullet-scarred Emirati armored personnel carrier served as a reminder of the country's ongoing military campaign in Yemen. The Emirates announced over $1.2 billion in arms deals at the opening of the biennial International Defense Exhibition and Conference, known by the acronym IDEX.

Bank Mergers Spread in Mideast as Low Oil Signals Boom Days Over

Oil's more than 50 percent plunge over the past two years is forcing countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to cut state spending, tap reserves and combine some of their largest banks to reduce costs and duplication. International Bank of Qatar QSC said this week they are in talks to create the country's largest sharia-compliant bank and the third-largest such lender in the Middle East, with assets worth more than 160 billion riyals . Talks are at an early stage, according to the banks, which didn't give details on the structure of the possible deal.