Sen. Kaine to give commencement speech at VCU graduation

Comprised of five starters from five different countries, ODU stood on the 18th green at Verandah Club in Fort Myers, Florida last week as C Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., listens to community leaders at a roundtable discussion on religious freedom with the regional interfaith community at All Dulles Area Muslim Society Mosque in Sterling, Va., Thursday, July 21, 2016.

Politics | Sunday Political Brunch: Political Odds and Ends

Congress is coming back to Washington, D.C. this week after a two-week recess, or as the members call it, "a district work period." Many in the public and the press call it a "vacation," but for many Senators and Representatives it's a busy time to meet with constituents across districts and states.

Sen. Tim Kaine’s son arrested after Trump protest turned chaotic

The youngest son of former vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine was among a group of people arrested over the weekend when a rally for President Donald Trump in Minnesota turned chaotic, according to media reports. The youngest son of former vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine was among a group of people arrested over the weekend when a rally for President Donald Trump in Minnesota turned chaotic, according to media reports.

Son of Former VP Candidate Among Anti-Trump Protesters Arrested in Minnesota

The youngest son of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's running mate in her 2016 presidential bid, was one of six people arrested during a counter protest at a rally in support of President Donald Trump in Minnesota. The protesters clashed with hundreds of Trump supporters gathered at the State Capitol rotunda in St. Paul last Saturday, a scene that played out during rallies in other cities around the country.

Son of Sen. Tim Kaine one of six arrested after protesters disrupt…

Son of Sen. Tim Kaine one of six arrested after protesters disrupt Trump rally at state Capitol Saturday - The youngest son of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's 2016 running mate, was one of six people arrested Saturday after counter-protesters disrupted a rally in support of President Donald Trump at the Minnesota State Capitol.

US Vice-President Mike Pence takes centre-stage at traditional comedic white-tie dinner

Donald Trump has declared that the media are the "enemy of the people", but his vice president showed he is still willing to joke around with reporters - and poke fun at himself - in a venerable Washington tradition.

Veterans injured by service wait years for compensation hearings

"If I sit down with the VA [secretary] nominee, I'm going to ask him about technology, personnel and managing the system," Sen. Tim Kaine said. Vietnam veteran Thomas Hundley displays letters he sent to his wife in 1966 from Vietnam He had to prove to the VA that he served in the war.

Trump’s proposed big military budget no sure thing

In this Jan. 27, 2017 photo, President Donald Trump, left, listens as Defense Secretary James Mattis, right, speaks at the Pentagon in Washington. With Republicans in charge of Congress, President Donald Trump's pledge to boost the Pentagon's budget by tens of billions of dollars should be a sure bet.

Trumpa s plan for spike in defense spending faces big hurdles

Republicans control Congress so President Trump's pledge to boost the Pentagon budget by tens of billions of dollars should be a sure bet. I After four tumultuous weeks of governing, President Donald Trump is out of the White House doing what he loves best: campaigning.

Continue reading Black Girl Magic: “Hidden Figures” Outshines “La La Land” at U.S. Box Office a ‘

Looks like the myth that Black films can't make big money in Hollywood is about to become a thing of the past. In early February, "Hidden Figures" passed "La La Land" as the top-grossing Oscar-nominated film in Hollywood this season.

Education Department removes webpage for federal disabilities act

The U.S. Department of Education has removed a webpage about a law for students with disabilities - one that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos did not seem to understand during a Senate confirmation hearing. The page for the Individuals with Disabilities Act disappeared without explanation right before DeVos' confirmation on Tuesday.

What are the odds Trump gets impeached? 2 to 1, according to one bookmaker

With protests taking place throughout the country and a poll showing 40 percent of voters want him impeached, all within his first two weeks as president, Donald Trump clearly has plenty of political enemies. Across the world, online gambling websites are offering increasingly attractive odds that Trump will either be impeached or resign before his first term as president ends in 2020.

DNC chairman candidate blames Hillary Clin…

A candidate for the Democratic National Committee blames Hillary Clinton's loss in the 2016 election on her decision to tap Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate. Vincent Tolliver joined the 10 other candidates running to be the next DNC chair at a "Future Forum" in Houston Saturday and said the party would be singing a different tune if Mrs. Clinton chose someone other than Mr. Kaine, who was seen as too moderate by some Democrats.

Trump education pick painted by Dems as unqualified

Democratic senators hammered Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Education Department, during Tuesday's confirmation hearing, claiming she is not qualified to lead the nation's education system. DeVos stood firm in her long held beliefs that parents - not the government - should be able to choose where to send children to school, pledging to push voucher programs should she be confirmed to lead the nation's education system.

Virginia Democrats get their first look at candidates for governor

Former Virginia congressman Tom Perriello speaks at a rally announcing his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for governor of Virginia in Charlottesville on Jan. 5. The crowd had gathered down the hill from Virginia's Capitol to cheer for Obamacare, but what they got was the first public glimpse of the race for the Democratic nomination for governor. The event was one of several pro-Affordable Care Act rallies staged by Democrats around the country, this one featuring Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Sen. Tim Kaine.