Poll: Democratic incumbents trail in five Senate races

Last year at this time, many Republicans were optimistic about the opportunity to pick up enough Senate seats in 2018 to approach, or maybe even reach, a filibuster-proof majority - i.e. 60 seats. After all, ten seats held by Democrats in states carried by President Trump would be in play.

Trump: Russia probe a ‘hoax’

President Donald Trump on Friday called allegations of Russian election meddling a "hoax" and insisted that the media were the "greatest influence" on the 2016 campaign. Trump's tweets early Friday appeared to respond to Facebook's announcement that the social media giant will provide to congressional investigators the contents of 3,000 ads bought by a Russian agency.

Federal government notifies 21 states of election hacking

The federal government on Friday told election officials in 21 states that hackers targeted their systems before last year's presidential election. The notification came roughly a year after U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials first said states were targeted by hacking efforts possibly connected to Russia.

Trump takes Florida, Ohio, NC in battle for White House

In this photo combination, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets supporters after voting in Chappaqua, N.Y., and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves after voting in New York, Tuesday. WASHINGTON >> Donald Trump captured crucial victories over Hillary Clinton Tuesday night in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, showing remarkable strength in three of the nation's most fiercely fought battleground states in an unexpectedly tight race for the presidency.

Q-pollster: Rubio “on the way to getting the last laugh” in Florida

Republicans in Florida spent weeks trying to convince Marco Rubio to change his mind and run for re-election to the Senate. A new Quinnipiac poll shows that they knew what they were talking about.

Poll: Portman gains ground in Senate race

Rob Portman has taken the lead in Ohio's hotly contested U.S. Senate race, according to a new poll released Thursday. Poll: Portman gains ground in Senate race Rob Portman has taken the lead in Ohio's hotly contested U.S. Senate race, according to a new poll released Thursday.

Q Poll: Sanders stronger over Trump in key swing states

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton participates in a round table conversation on national security at the Virginia Air and Space Center June 15, 2016 in Hampton, Virginia. The latest Quinnipiac University poll shows Hilliary Clinton pulling ahead over Donald Trump in Florida, but in a tight race in Ohio and Pennsylvania.