Nelson shares sea level rise concerns with Mayor Shaver

Historic City News was informed that ranking member Bill Nelson called on the US Senate to act on the devastating impacts of sea level rise at a Senate hearing Tuesday morning, pointing to nuisance flooding and rising rides in St. Augustine as indicative of the effects of climate change threatening lives and property on Florida's coasts. Pointing to the struggles St. Augustine's Public Works Department has faced with the prevalence of high tides overwhelming the local storm water system, Nelson emphasized the flooding as a phenomenon not limited to inclement weather, but sunny days as well - and called on the Senate to act swiftly.

Will Sheamus McNeeley be just another election spoiler?

As most active local candidates complete qualifying for the 2016 Primary and General Election, the first surprise candidate appears to run as a write-in and there are still two and a half days left before the filing period is closed. St Johns County Commissioner Bill McClure decided not to seek re-election for Seat 3, opting to make his bid for Congress.