Van Hollen marks a new era for Maryland in the senate

For almost a decade Maryland has had the same look in Senate, but now that's changed with former congressman now Senator, Chris Van Hollen. Like retired Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Van Hollen will sit on the Senate's Appropriations committee meaning he'll be able to chime in when the state needs federal monies.

Pelosi broadens leadership team in fight to retain post

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi moved Friday to broaden her leadership team by naming three junior lawmakers to chair the party's messaging arm. The announcement comes days before a leadership election in which Pelosi is being challenged by Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan for the party post she has held since 2002.

Politicians ask Justice Department about talks on Baltimore police

Maryland congressional lawmakers have asked the U.S. Justice Department about the status of talks on reforming Baltimore's troubled police department, according to a letter released on Tuesday. The letter from Maryland's senators, a senator-elect and three congressmen said they were hearing growing concern from constituents about delays in drafting the settlement.

Alt-right troll Milo Yiannopoulos gets schooled on live TV

Breitbart News writer Milo Yiannopoulos was interviewed by Channel 4 News in the UK about his past statements that women offended online should just "log off" the internet and his assertion that, actually, Islam is the real culprit of rape culture. This is the moment Milo Yiannopoulos is challenged on @BreitbartNews headlines and so-called "post-truth politics."

Green Party candidate crashes debate in Maryland Senate race

Green Party candidate Margaret Flowers wasn't invited to a U.S. Senate debate in Maryland, but she took center stage there anyway. When she tried to participate Wednesday, security at the University of Baltimore grabbed her arm and escorted her away from where Rep. Chris Van Hollen and Del.

Szeliga, Md. Senate candidate, says she’s ‘appalled’ by Trump remarks

Maryland Senate candidate Kathy Szeliga called on Donald Trump late Friday to "sincerely apologize to all women immediately" for lewd comments he made in 2005, but did not say whether she still planned to back the GOP presidential nominee. Szeliga, a state legislator from Baltimore County and the minority whip in the House of Delegates, is running against U.S. Rep. Chris Van Hollen to succeed retiring Sen. Barbara Mikulski .

Iran deal remains issue in Maryland races

Maryland's Republican Senate nominee Kathy Szeliga was a few minutes into answering questions at a campaignevent last week when the discussion took a sharp turn toward the summer of 2015. "We've asked Chris Van Hollen to comment on whether he's still supporting this Iran deal," she told a few dozen Rotarians in Montgomery County, referring to her Democratic opponent.

Van Hollen complains about ‘dark money,’ which is actually helping him

In a fundraising email sent last week, Rep. Chris Van Hollen's senate campaign claimed that his opponent, Kathy Szeliga was benefiting from "a shadowy dark money organization that refuses to disclose its donors." In reality, the "shadowy group" is called Move Maryland Forward, and has spent all of $14,500 on Szeliga so far .

US woman gets 3 years in Gambia; US officials ‘outraged’

Four Maryland congressional members expressed outrage Thursday after a court in Gambia sentenced a state resident to three years in prison following her arrest there during an anti-government protest led by her prominent dissident uncle. Fanta Darboe Jawara's conviction and sentencing made a mockery of civil rights guaranteed by the Gambian constitution, said the joint statement from senators Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski and representatives Chris Van Hollen and John Delaney, all Democrats.

House Democrats see new tactic to set agenda

House Democrats wrested control of the national spotlight Wednesday, leading a sit-in on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, chanting over Speaker Paul Ryan, all for gun control -- one of the most intractable issue in Congress. And even with the sit-in's end Thursday afternoon -- without action on gun control -- the fight over the issue isn't over, Democrats say.