United will fly Guam-based troops’ pets despite suspension

United Airlines will resume flying servicemembers' pets off Guam until the end of the month despite a worldwide suspension of its pet shipment service, the carrier announced Tuesday. "Effective April 3, we are allowing an exception to our suspension of new PetSafe reservations for members of the military and their spouses, and State Department Foreign Service personnel and their spouses, who wish to travel with or ship their pets out of Guam between April 3 and April 30," United said in a statement posted on its website.

Senator San Nicolas expresses concerns over increase of gas prices

Within the last two months, gas prices have risen at 10% and Senator Mike San Nicolas is concerned about how the increase will affect the cost of living on Guam. After receiving a notice from the Federal Trade Commission choosing not to investigate Guam's inflating gas prices, San Nicolas issued a letter to Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo.

Gov. Calvo calls for a 50% increase in gross receipts tax

Governor Calvo will be calling for a 50-percent increase in the gross receipts tax to cover the projected 48-million dollar revenue shortfall from the Trump tax cuts. Lester Carlson of the Governor's fiscal team says he will present the proposed increase when the Special Economic Session convenes again next week.

Congress Is Pushing Back Against Trump’s Dangerously Ignorant Nuclear Threats

The Nation is reader supported: Chip in $10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter. John Conyers knows a good deal more than Donald Trump does about the Korea Peninsula-and a lot more about the Constitution.

Guam’s worries grow as tensions rise between US, North Korea

Residents of the tiny Pacific island of Guam say they're afraid of being caught in the middle of escalating tensions between the U.S. and North Korea after Pyongyang announced it was examining plans for attacking the strategically important U.S. territory. Though local officials downplayed any threat, people who live and work on the island, which serves as a launching pad for the U.S. military, said Wednesday they could no longer shrug off the idea of being a potential target.

North Korea considers missile strike on Guam after Trump’s ‘fire and fury’ warning

North Korea said on Wednesday it is considering plans for a missile strike on the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, just hours after President Donald Trump told the North that any threat to the United States would be met with "fire and fury". The sharp increase in tensions rattled financial markets and prompted warnings from U.S. officials and analysts not to engage in rhetorical slanging matches with North Korea.

Guam’s worries grow as U.S.-North Korean tensions rise

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Camacho and Bordallo discuss issues at UOG alumni forum

The two congressional candidates squared off again, this time before the University of Guam Alumni Association. Among the questions posed to incumbent delegate Madeleine Bordallo and former governor Felix Camacho was what was their commitment to the university as the Western Pacific's only four-year institution of higher learning.