Retired US general and foreign affairs chair eyed for role of South Korea envoy

A retired US Army general and the chairman of the US house foreign affairs committee have emerged as candidates to become US President Donald Trump's ambassador to Seoul. Retired US Army General James Thurman and outgoing Republican Representative Edward Royce are under consideration for the ambassadorship, two sources with knowledge of the matter told the South China Morning Post .

A Democratic war in Texas’s seventh district

FEW people beyond Texas's seventh district had heard of Laura Moser before her own party tried to discredit her. Late last month, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the rare step of publishing embarrassing opposition research on the journalist and activist who wants to take on John Culberson, a Republican, in the mid-terms in November.

Democrats partner with political newcomers aiming to create anti-Trump wave in 2018 midterms

Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff was the top vote-getter last Tuesday in Georgia's 6th Congressional District in a special election to replace Tom Price, who is now the secretary of health and human services. A wave of first-time candidates eager to fight President Trump and his young administration plan to challenge House Republican incumbents, giving Democratic Party leaders hope that they can capiA talA ize on the anger and intensity at grass-roots protests and town hall meetings across the country this year.

Congressman: “United States can and must do more to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its actions”

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Congressman Ed Royce addressed the Armenian Assembly of America's on March 4 at Gala "Celebrating the Future" night. Last Congress, Congressman Royce spearheaded a letter with Ranking Member Eliot Engel urging then-U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, James Warlick, to "publicly condemn specific acts of aggression along the line of contact."

Iran confrontations reveal Obama nuclear deal having little effect on Tehran’s behavior

A pair of dangerously close encounters between the Iranian and U.S. navies in the Persian Gulf this week have raised fresh questions about Tehran 's intentions, a year after Obama administration officials hoped the much-touted nuclear deal would moderate the behavior of the Islamic republic and its military.

The Fed’s Third Mandate And The Destruction Of Honest Finance, Part 1

California Rep. Edward Royce had the temerity Wednesday to ask Janet Yellen whether the Fed was propping up stock prices. Imagine that! In fact, he hit the nail on the head when he characterized the Fed's unrelenting intrusion in financial markets and constant dithering on rate normalization as a "third pillar", and one found nowhere in its statutory authorities: ROYCE: I'm worried that the Federal Reserve has created a third pillar of monetary policy, that of a stable and rising stock market.