John Fletcher: Internet sales tax gets its day in court

Wayfair . The online seller, along with and Newegg, challenged a new South Dakota law that requires remote taxpayers to collect the state's sales tax if they sell more than $100,000 of goods per year into the state or, regardless of dollar amount, have more than 200 transactions with state residents.

Supreme Court to Consider Internet Sales Tax Collection

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide whether to let states require online retailers to collect billions of dollars in sales tax, taking up South Dakota's dispute with three e-commerce companies. South Dakota, appealing a lower court decision that favored Wayfair Inc., Inc. and Newegg Inc., is asking the justices to overturn a 1992 Supreme Court ruling that companies with no physical presence in a state are not required to collect a state sales tax on purchases.

Gov. Herbert secures GOP nomination in re-election race

Republican Gov. Gary Herbert easily defeated executive Jonathan Johnson Tuesday to win a closely watched primary race that helped boost voter turnout to the highest level in two decades. After results came in, Herbert told reporters that he was grateful and that he believed voters felt he had a positive track record that he could build upon for the future.