Iran Hardliners, Pragmatists Show Unity in Response to Trump

A tough line from President Donald Trump has been met by a show of unity from both sides of Iran's political divide, uniting hardliners who cast the United States as an implacable enemy with pragmatists who seek rapprochement with the West. Iran, which has kept up a steady drumbeat of angry statements for days, lashed out again Tuesday, threatening to teach the Americans "new lessons" and keep "all options on the table" if Washington blacklists its Revolutionary Guards.

Josh Rogin

The Tibetan movement is at a crossroads, facing increasing Chinese oppression and a shortage of international attention and support. If the international community and the United States continue to ignore one of the last and most afflicted nonviolent resistance movements, the implications will reach far beyond the Tibetan Plateau.

Agenda: Trump must tear up the US nuclear deal with Iran

WITH only days to go before President Trump must decide if he will grant the Iranian regime compliance with the nuclear deal on October 15, the sands of time are rapidly running out for Tehran's fascist rulers. President Trump told a meeting of the United Nations in September that the deal was "an embarrassment" to the United States.

PH gov’t inclined to grant US extradition request on Filipino doctor

The Philippine government is inclined to grant the United States' request seeking the extradition of a Filipino doctor charged in connection with a botched terror plot in New York. Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella said the extradition proceedings of Russel Salic would be initiated even while a local investigation on his alleged involvement in kidnapping and murder is ongoing.

“NY needs to fall”: FBI busts ISIS-linked terror plot aimed at Big Apple

Another 9/11, another Brussels, another Paris? According to indictments unsealed yesterday by the Department of Justice, a three-man Islamist terror cell plotted versions of all the above for another attack on New York City. Before they could carry it out, an FBI undercover agent discovered the plot in 2016, then coordinated an international manhunt to capture all three erstwhile terrorists: The alleged scheme was more nefarious than many: The group, which wanted to attack Times Square and the New York City subway system, claimed to have been in touch with an Islamic State affiliate to obtain the official sanction of the terrorist group, prosecutors said.

There’s no evidence ISIS was behind the Las Vegas shooting

It only took a few hours for international terrorist group ISIS to claim responsibility for the horrific shooting attack in Las Vegas, Nevada on Monday, which left at least 58 dead and more than 500 wounded . But ISIS did not provide any evidence to back up this claim, and at least one expert cautions that it's entirely possible the bloodthirsty organization is lying.

Trump signs resolution condemning hate groups

President Trump on Thursday signed a resolution condemning white supremacists and hate groups, hours after reviving his assertion that there were "bad dudes" among the people who assembled to oppose a white nationalist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month. "You know, you have some pretty bad dudes on the other side also," the president told reporters aboard Air Force One, sparking another round of criticism that the president has failed to adequately condemn hate speech.

Rand Paul likely to get a war vote

After threatening to scuttle all amendments on a massive defense policy bill, Sen. Rand Paul is likely to secure a vote on ending the war authorizations the US military uses to fight terrorism across the globe. Paul's office announced he would get a vote Wednesday on the Kentucky Republican's amendment that would repeal the 2001 and 2002 war authorizations after six months, giving Congress time to pass a new Authorization for Use of Military Force for the wars against Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban.

Resolve, tears and hope: US marks 9/11 anniversary

Americans commemorated 9/11 on Monday with tear-streaked tributes, a presidential warning to terrorists and appeals from victims' relatives for unity and hope 16 years after the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Looking out at the solemn crowd at ground zero, Debra Epps said she views every day as time to do something to ensure that her brother, Christopher Epps, and thousands of others didn't die in vain.