Trump overrules GOP with deal on spending, debt, Harvey aid

A day after they returned to work from their summer recess, congressional leaders met with President Trump at the White House Wednesday on issues from tax reform to hurricane Irma preparedness and disaster aid for Harvey affected areas. WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump overruled congressional Republicans and his own treasury secretary Wednesday and cut a deal with Democrats to fund the government and raise the federal borrowing limit for three months, all part of an agreement to speed money to Harvey relief.

Trump woos Democrat with trip on Air Force One

President Donald Trump is giving his efforts to wrangle red state Democrat support for his tax reform push the Air Force One treatment. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-North Dakota, will become the first Democratic lawmaker to join Trump on the presidential jet when she accompanies Trump on his trip to North Dakota on Wednesday, where Trump will continue his push to drive up public support for tax reform.

White House cana t count on Senate GOP, so ita s wooing Democrats

Sens. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., left, and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., arrive for news conference on the east lawn of the Capitol to unveil a new economic agenda titled "A Better Deal on Trade and Jobs" on August 2, 2017. Sens. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., left, and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., arrive for news conference on the east lawn of the Capitol to unveil a new economic agenda titled "A Better Deal on Trade and Jobs" on August 2, 2017.

Senate Democrats offer Republicans help on tax reform a ” with conditions

U.S. Senate Democrats offered to work with Republicans on a bipartisan tax reform package on Tuesday but only if it does not cut taxes for the wealthy, add to the federal deficit or allow Republicans to enact legislation on their own. The conditional offer may not attract immediate response from Republicans.

Agencies Promise Efficiencies, but Not Workforce Cuts in Reorganization Plans

Federal agencies working to restructure themselves are focusing primarily on serving their customers better rather than ways to cut the workforce, leaders told a Senate panel Thursday, which promised thorough oversight of the Trump administration's reorganization efforts. Agency leaders said they were taking seriously suggestions from their rank-and-file employees on how to institute more efficiencies as part of their reform planning.

Funding for Army Corps will go toward Fargo flood controlThursday,…

The North Dakota congressional delegation says funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2017 includes $20 million for permanent flood protection in around Fargo and Moorhead. The delegation says the money will support the construction of an inlet structure that is considered the first phase of the Red River diversion project.

Senate confirms Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch

Since Trump nominated Gorsuch in January, Republicans have praised the 10th circuit court of appeals judge as a mainstream jurist qualified to sit on the high court. The Senate confirmed Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court Friday morning, thrilling conservatives and angering liberals who expect him to be in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, whose seat he will take.

Rep defends criticism of congresswomen who wore white: ‘They looked silly’

Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer defended his comment Wednesday that the Democratic women who wore white to President Donald Trump's joint address were "poorly" dressed, telling CNN that they looked "silly" and that he didn't buy their argument that it was done in honor of the suffrage movement. The at-large congressman from North Dakota also reiterated that he hasn't ruled out a Senate bid next year for the seat currently held by Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, and he said Trump has already pledged his support should Cramer decide to run.

The Latest: Leader says tribe ‘undaunted’ by pipeline notice

The Latest on the Dakota Access pipeline being built to carry oil from North Dakota to Illinois : The chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux says the tribe is "undaunted" by an Army decision to allow completion of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Dave Archambault said Tuesday that the tribe will challenge in court the Army's decision to halt further study on the pipeline's crossing of the Missouri River in North Dakota.

Sen. McCaskill asks for emergency meeting with DHS secretary on immigration order

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, the top Democrat on the Senate's Homeland Security committee, has asked for an emergency meeting with the agency's secretary, John Kelly. McCaskill, along with six other Democrats who serve on the committee, requested on Monday that Kelly meet with them within 24 hours to explain his role in implementing President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration.

How Trump Cabinet Picks Could Reshuffle the Senate Map

After helping dash Democrats' hopes of retaking a Senate majority this year, Donald Trump's election as president could strike at least one additional blow to the caucus if he appoints a red-state Democratic senator to his cabinet. Democratic Sens. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Joe Manchin of West Virginia both spoken with Trump since his election, fomenting speculation that either one could be offered a slot in Trump's cabinet.