How private is your Gmail, and should you switch?

You might be surprised how much Google’s email service – and others – know about you. Here’s how to set some boundaries

Most people are aware of the cookies that track them across the web, and the privacy-invading practices of Google search, but did you know Google’s email service, Gmail, collects large amounts of data too?

This was recently put into stark focus for iPhone users when Gmail published its app “privacy label” – a self-declared breakdown of the data it collects and shares with advertisers as part of a new stipulation on the Apple App Store.

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For Clinton campaign chief, it was literally a day to erase from memory

Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta, second from right, pauses while speaking with senior aide Huma Abedin aboard Clinton's campaign plane while traveling to Miami on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016. On Wednesday, hackers, using information they'd gleaned from an email published by WikiLeaks, took control of his Twitter account and on Thursday wiped his iPhone and iPad clean of data.

She Said, He Said: How Clinton’s Version Of Events Stacks Up With Comey’s

The long-running drama over Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server during her time as secretary of state came to some resolution today as FBI Director James Comey announced that while Clinton was "extremely careless" in handling classified information, she should not face charges. As Comey laid out the agency's reasoning, however, it became clear that his version of events differed from what Clinton has said in the past.