Eleventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of City’s Approval of Chabad Religious Center as Moot

The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently affirmed the lower court's decision dismissing an Establishment Clause challenge over the approval of a religious center. The lawsuit was brought by two residents who live near a mixed-use, two-story religious center proposed by Chabad of East Boca, Inc. .

Billboard truck taunts Rubio as he keeps distance from Trump in Palm Beach County

Allies of Democrat Patrick Murphy are doing what campaigns do this election season when his opponent, Republican U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio keeps his distance from presidential nominee Donald Trump: Rubio spoke Thursday morning at a closed-door event at Boca Raton Synagogue. Roughly 27.6 miles away, at the South Florida Fairgrounds near West Palm Beach, Trump was revving up a supportive crowd that - as usual - did not include Rubio, although he did renew his endorsement of Trump this week.

Boca attorney asks PBC judge to declare Trump incompetent

Claiming he is worried about the future of the country, a respected Boca Raton guardianship attorney has filed a petition in Palm Beach County Circuit Court asking a judge to declare Donald Trump mentally incapable of seeking employment. In the "petition to determine incapacity" filed last week, attorney James Herb claims the GOP presidential nominee exhibits signs of histrionic and narcissistic personality disorder - both recognized mental health ills listed in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" of the American Psychiatric Association.

People vote in churches and synagogues. Why not a mosque?

Voters in Palm Beach County have been assigned to polling stations in about 80 Christian churches and five synagogues or Jewish centers this year, along with schools, government buildings and other locations. Until last week, a single mosque was part of this mix.