Who are big spenders in Minnesota’s 2018 election?

In what's shaping up to be the most closely watched election in recent memory, the majority of campaign spending likely won't come from the candidates seeking office or their political parties, but from outside special-interests groups. There are dozens of these organizations out there working to sway who becomes Minnesota's next governor and attorney general, who goes to Congress and which party controls the state Legislature.

Readers Write: Open-office space, governor’s race, St. Paul City Council, Minneapolis City Council

As a workplace designer, my media feeds and inbox were full of summaries like that of the recent Harvard Business School study on the impact of open-office plans . Many of the headlines had a doomsday tone, and our clients were reaching out to us, asking: "Have we got it all wrong?" As with many such headlines, the story is always more nuanced than it appears.

Mpls. mayor, council members condemn Pawlenty mailer with officers

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and several City Council members on Friday criticized a campaign mailer from Republican Tim Pawlenty that features several uniformed Minneapolis officers standing next to the candidate for governor in front of two squad cars. Frey said the mailer may have violated two city policies, calling it an unauthorized use of the Minneapolis police trademark and citing a prohibition on officers other than the union president or a designee appearing in a political advertisement.

Samsung Phone Catches Fire and Burns Man During Dinner

Man Mowing Lawns In All 50 States Visits Minnesota For the second year in a row, Rodney Smith, Jr. is traveling to all 50 states to promote awareness for the youth to give back to the community. Tim Pawlenty Ad Blasts GOP Opponent Jeff Johnson Pawlenty's ad accuses Johnson of proposing property tax hikes, supporting a sales tax hike and of spending millions of dollars on Obamacare.

Another test of loyalty looms over Trump’s Minnesota visit

In this Thursday, May 31, 2018, file photo, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty speaks at a news conference in St. Paul, Minn. U.S. President Donald Trump is heading to Minnesota to stump for a congressional candidate, but another test of GOP loyalty to the president looms large over his visit.

Do political party conventions matter in Minnesota?

It's a reasonable question when candidates ignore the major business of the conventions - the endorsements - and just move on to the primary. That's happening this year in the race for Minnesota governor for both major parties.

The Latest: Swanson announces bid for Minnesota governor

The announcement Monday marks a shift for the Democrat, who in January said she intended to seek a fourth term as attorney general rather than run for governor. But she changed her mind after party activists at the state convention this weekend endorsed another candidate as attorney general who has criticized Swanson as too cautious.

Crucial day at state political conventions

DFL delegates gathered here braced for a long day Saturday as three gubernatorial candidates vied for the endorsement, while Republicans in Duluth faced a choice of candidates that doesn't include former Gov. Tim Pawlenty. U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer was the day's first speaker in Duluth.

Mike Pencea s 2024 campaign is ON.

The New York Times is out with a bombshell story detailing how a) Vice President Mike Pence and his advisers are operating as a sort of de facto political unit within the White House and b) allies of President Donald Trump are none too happy about that fact. "Republican officials now see Mr. Pence as seeking to exercise expansive control over a political party ostensibly helmed by Mr. Trump, tending to his own allies and interests even when the president's instincts lean in another direction.

Case of Dead Sea Scrolls, online aliases ends with probation

27, 2010, file photo, Raphael Golb, center, and his attorney Ron Kuby, left, confer during a recess in his trial at Manhattan State Supreme Court in New York. A judge is expected to decide Monday, A... President Donald Trump's personal attorney is set to appear in federal court to argue over evidence found during a recent FBI raid, and porn star Stormy Daniels is expected to be in attendance.

Police chief: Officers did nothing wrong in Starbucks arrest

The area was under a severe thunderstorm warning. A potent spring storm system that's expected to persist through the weekend raked across the Plains and Midwest Friday, spawning at least one tornado in Arkansas as blizzard conditions blanked much of the Northern... A potent spring storm system that's expected to persist through the weekend raked across the Plains and Midwest Friday, spawning at least one tornado in Arkansas as blizzard conditions blanked much of the Northern Plains.

AP investigation: Doctors keep licenses despite sex abuse

An Associated Press investigation finds that even as Hollywood moguls, elite journalists and politicians ... An Associated Press investigation finds that even as Hollywood moguls, elite journalists and politicians have been pushed out of their jobs or resigned amid allegations of sexual misconduct, the world of medicine... An Associated Press investigation finds that even as Hollywood moguls, elite journalists and politicians have been pushed out of their jobs or resigned amid allegations of sexual misconduct, the world of medicine is more forgiving.

Pawlenty Files With Campaign Finance Board: ‘Final Announcement Soon’

Tim Pawlenty said in a statement that he filed a campaign committee Monday with the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board, and will make a final announcement on his candidacy "soon." Speculation swirled for weeks about Pawlenty's possible entry into the already crowded race, and with Monday's filing, it seems more likely than ever.

Special election in Minnesota may test anti-Trump winds, affect Senate control

Today's special election for a Cottage Grove-area state Senate district will provide the latest barometer for how Democrats can capitalize on a midterm swoon for Republicans nationwide and cue up a fight for control over a closely divided Senate. But the Democratic and Republican candidates are doing their best to tune out the high stakes surrounding the unusual Monday special election, instead focusing on their legislative credentials from previous stints at the Capitol.