Woman who inspired the creation of Hope on Haven Hill dies

No details were provided about how Abi Lizotte died, but a statement was posted on the Hope on Haven Hill website Saturday: "Dear friends, the loss of Abi Lizotte has left us utterly heartbroken. Abi will always be our inspiration and her light will live in the dreams and aspirations of all who pass through our doors.

New Hassan TV ad hits Ayotte on Planned Parenthood opposition

U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte and Gov. Maggie Hassan are pointing fingers at each other over a pledge to limit third-party spending in their Senate race. Five months ago, Planned Parenthood's political arm targeted Sen. Kelly Ayotte with its first television ad of any of the U.S. Senate races across the country.

Hope on Haven Hill slated to open in fall, despite challenges

Kerry Norton and Colene Arnold have not had a good night's sleep since they founded Hope on Haven Hill. The planned residential facility for pregnant women battling substance abuse has come a long way since the two women went public with their idea in September 2015.