J. Geils, ‘Centerfold’ musician, dies at age 71

Authorities say a brief marriage and quick estrangement came before a man walked into his wife's elementary school class and opened fire, killing her and an 8-year-old student and wounding a 9-year-old student... Authorities say a brief marriage and quick estrangement came before a man walked into his wife's elementary school class and opened fire, killing her and an 8-year-old student and wounding a 9-year-old student before fatally shooting himself. A Democratic civil rights attorney running in the nation's first congressional election since President Donald Trump's victory has upended expectations that Republicans would easily win a Kansas House on Tuesday.

Expert reveals the foods that could boost your sex life

Russia and Iran warn Trump they'll 'respond with force' if America crosses their 'red line' again with attacks on Assad in Syria Disturbing truth about how Janet Jackson's marriage was doomed from the start: How pop star's wedding to her Qatari husband was a mixing of two VERY different cultures There's a terrifying sense of deja vu as the Generals take over the White House and guide us towards another war says JOHN R BRADLEY Editor of liberal magazine Mother Jones is slammed on Twitter for claiming that 'Tomahawk missiles' are offensive to Native Americans 'Work this out': Trump issues ultimatum to Bannon and tells his beleaguered chief strategist that 'he will be forced out of the White House unless he adopts a more conciliatory approach' Trump plays ANOTHER round of golf as war looms: President enjoys his 16th game since inauguration - despite Iran and Russia threatening to retaliate ... (more)

Gorsuch may be decisive vote in divisive Supreme Court cases

With Neil Gorsuch's confirmation as the 113th Supreme Court justice expected on Friday, it won't be long before he starts revealing what he really thinks about a range of hot topics he repeatedly sidestepped during his confirmation hearing. In less than two weeks, the justices will take up a Missouri church's claim that the state is stepping on its religious freedom.

Plucky couple Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner reportedly giving marriage another shot

It's the feel-good story of the day for nave people: Huma and Tony "working hard" on their marriage. The New York Post has the story: "Huma has been working hard on her relationship with Anthony," said a source close to the Abedin family.

6 Questions Democrats Should Be Asking Themselves Right Now

It's fine for Democrats to be upset that Donald Trump schlonged Hillary Clinton, but the reality is that they spent the entirety of the Obama years getting their brains beaten in. When Obama first took office, they held the House and 60 seats in the Senate and controlled the majority of governorships and state legislatures.

Documentary explores drag scene in city of the US heartland

Filmmaker Gabrielle Burton said she didn't plan for her documentary about the drag scene in Ohio's capital city to achieve wider distribution at a time of political and cultural division. "Kings, Queens, & In-Betweens" had screenings in Columbus and New York last Friday and becomes available on iTunes, Amazon and some cable providers next week.

The most beautiful CAMEL to be crowned in Saudi pageant

PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: So, did Meghan catch the bouquet? Harry's girl dazzles as she gives her prince a squeeze while he performs usher duties at his close friend's wedding in the Jamaican sun Do women REALLY want men to last longer? As a scientist invents a spray to prolong male performance, our fearless writers from both sides of the gender divide tackle a delicate question Pictured: The 15-year-old girl who was 'kidnapped' by MS-13, kept as a sex slave and sacrificed in satanic ritual because she ruined a gang leader called Diabolico's shrine to Satan Aaron Hernandez's murder trial is shown the SUV where the NFL star 'shot dead two men over a spilled drink' Transgender boy, 9, is awarded $18K and a formal apology after being kicked out of Scout pack 'because some of the parents complained - even though the other kids all accepted him' The making of a Wiki-Lie: Chilling story of one ... (more)

A first for women in Congress and the Cabinet on this date

Actor Ronald Reagan and his bride, actress Nancy Davis, cut their wedding cake after their marriage at the non-sectarian Little Brown Church of the Valley in North Hollywood, Ca., March 4, 1952. With them are actress Brenda Marshall, left, and her husband, actor William Holden.

Conservatives unsure how to handle Trump

For the past eight years, thousands of conservative activists have descended on Washington each spring with dreams of putting a Republican in the White House. With Donald Trump's presidential victory, the future of the conservative movement has become entwined with an unconventional New York businessman better known for his deal-making than any ideological principles.

Couple themed their wedding day around their CHICKENS

'I am coping': Emotional Angelina Jolie speaks for the first time about 'difficult' split from Brad and insists 'we'll always be a family' Three former Team USA gymnasts come forward to describe their horrifying sexual abuse at the hands of the team doctor as he faces trial - and say they stayed silent out of fear of their tyrannical trainers Trump is set to SOFTEN his immigration ban: New executive order will exempt green card holders and dual citizens but target the SAME Muslim countries Does Trump have 'cabin fever'? Report claims the President is complaining that living cooped up in the White House is giving him headaches 'The Earth is flat.

Shadow president or mere shadow? In Europe, Pence seeks to reassure allies unnerved by Trump.

Diplomats and leaders across Europe had one crucial - if unstated - question for Vice President Pence when he visited Munich and Brussels this weekend: Is he the shadow president, or a mere shadow of the president? And if the mission of Pence's trip abroad was clear - to reassure worried allies this weekend that, yes, despite what his boss may say, the United States remains committed to the security of Europe and to the historic transatlantic partnership - Pence's role was anything but. Though the vice president repeatedly stressed he was speaking on behalf of President Trump, the two men indeed felt like they were separated by an ocean.

Jess Woodley QUITS Made In Chelsea after six series

Sean Spicer reveals that the President asked for his national security adviser's resignation over Russia lie - and hints at even more 'questionable instances' and an 'eroding level of trust' Etan Patz's killer is found GUILTY after 37 years: Mentally ill store clerk is convicted of kidnapping six-year-old boy while he walked to school, strangling him and dumping him in the trash in 1979 Waiters reveal the WORST first dates they've ever witnessed - including one interrupted by the man's wife and another that ended with a glass eye on the plate Want to be healthy? Stay away from Detroit! City is named unhealthiest in America Engineers are LOSING the battle to lower water behind California's crumbling dam by 50ft before new storm hits on Wednesday Revealed: The truth about that liquid floating at the top of your yoghurt Greece considers ditching the Euro in favor of the US dollar in ... (more)

Sorry, National Review: “Religious Freedom” Bills Do Permit Bigotry

National Review writer Alexandra Desanctis on Wednesday published a piece purporting to explain how recent conservative efforts to defend "religious freedom" aren't really about discriminating against LGBT Americans. Since she used a Salon piece written a day earlier by a former colleague of mine, Nico Lang, to illustrate how liberals are "maliciously mischaracteriz[ing] FADA and other religious-freedom protections," it seems only fair to issue a point-by-point response to the specious claims made in the National Review.

Faith Williams flaunts toned physiquewhile paddle boarding

'There was light terrorism at Nordstrom this week': Melissa McCarthy is back as Sean Spicer - this time hawking Ivanka's jewelry and shoes from the White House in SNL cold open 'The US stands behind Japan, its great ally, 100%': Trump and Japanese PM hold conference to denounce 'absolutely intolerable' North Korea missile test CBS anchor Josh Elliott 'announced he'd been promoted and was leaving his show live on-air - but it was the first network bosses knew about it' 'Sorry I'm late, the reason I'm late is I'm going through a divorce': United Airlines pilot is removed from flight after 'ranting on the intercom about her marriage, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton' Don't text at the table, NEVER spear your food with the fork and avoid buying extravagant gifts in a new relationship: Etiquette guru reveals her top tips for Valentine's Day A putt-ing miracle! Florida golfer uses his club to ... (more)

Romee Strijd wears super short skirt out at fashion week

The Supper Bowl! The Trumps, the Japanese prime minister and his wife are joined by New England Patriots owner for dinner at Mar-a-Lago after the First Family fly to Florida on Air Force One 'I love all my moms': Hundreds of polygamists led by the 'Sister Wives' family descend on the steps of Utah Capitol to demand the legal right to plural marriage 'He's gone.

Trump moves leave LGBT groups, religious conservatives wary

Mixed signals from the White House on gay rights and conscience protections have put two constituencies on edge: LGBT advocates already wary of President Donald Trump and religious conservatives determined to hold him to his campaign promises. Last week, Trump pledged to maintain President Barack Obama's job protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender federal employees, and the White House touted him as a protector of the broader LGBT community.

Most Americans don’t want “religious freedom” laws…

A majority of Americans oppose denying services to LGBT individuals in the name of religion, according to a new poll from the . Sixty-one percent of respondents were against giving faith-based groups or private individuals the religious exemption to, say, refuse to cater a lesbian wedding, or to refuse to sign the marriage certificates of same-sex couples, as Kim Davis, a clerk in Rowan County, Ky., made national headlines for doing in 2015.

FILE- In this Oct. 30, 2016, file photo, Republican presidential…

In this Oct. 30, 2016, file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stands during a service at the International Church of Las Vegas in Las Vegas. President Trump's pledge to scrap limits on church political activity could have sweeping effects that extend beyond his conservative supporters to more liberal congregations, including the black evangelical church that has long helped anchor the Democratic Party's electoral machinery.