Don Trump Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle kiss after speech

Donald Trump Jr, 40, delivered a speech at the Montana Republican Party's annual convention in Billings on Friday and gave his new girlfriend a shout out He thanked Fox Host Kimberly Guilfoyle, 49, for attending and said he would take her shooting and fishing in the Montana countryside The two have been dating since March, around the time Trump Jr and wife Vanessa announced their split after 13 years of marriage Donald Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle continued to flaunt their new romance as they shared a kiss at the Montana Republican Party 's annual convention. The Fox host supported her new beau as he delivered a speech in Billings, Montana, on Friday, where he announced he was going to take Guilfoyle fishing and shooting.

Beyonce and Jay-Z’s Surprise Album Makes Marriage Into a Spectacle

The marriage rate remains low , but Jay-Z and BeyoncA are doing their best to keep wedlock fashionable. On Everything Is Love , the joint album the couple surprise-released on Saturday, their union again glitters as a luxury item as covetable as their AlaA a boots and Aruba vacations.

Michael Gerson: Can religious institutions maintain their identity in the public realm?

Such is the case with the Supreme Court's Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling. The decision properly smacked down the anti-religious bigotry of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which not only wanted to compel baker Jack Phillips to provide a cake for a same-sex wedding but also to sneer at him in the process.

In narrow decision, Supreme Court sides with baker who turned away gay couple

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who had refused to create a wedding cake for a gay couple. The court's decision was narrow, and it left open the larger question of whether a business can discriminate against gay men and lesbians based on rights protected by the First Amendment.

Supreme Court backs Christian baker who spurned gay couple

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory on narrow grounds to a Colorado Christian baker who refused for religious reasons to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, stopping short of setting a major precedent allowing people to claim exemptions from anti-discrimination laws based on religious beliefs. The justices, in a 7-2 decision, said the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed an impermissible hostility toward religion when it found that baker Jack Phillips violated the state's anti-discrimination law by rebuffing gay couple David Mullins and Charlie Craig in 2012.

Elections watchdog budgets A 829,000 taxpayers money to plan for EU Parliament polls

'It wasn't really the vacation I was looking for': Mormon missionary, 26, jokes with President Trump as he and his ecstatic family thank him in the Oval Office after he helped secure his release from Venezuelan prison where he spent two years 'He's a sociopathic nut job': NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere 'kissed everyone on the lips', and 'treated women like pawns' says former top recruiter who exposed their branding practices Florida and Mississippi declare states of emergency as Subtropical Storm Alberto is set to make landfall and could bring up to ONE FOOT of rain and flooding Trump says he's still hopeful June 12 summit with North Korea will take place as South Korean leader reveals Kim Jong-un wants to keep Singapore date and is committed to 'complete denuclearization' President Trump claimed New York Times used 'phony' source 'who doesn't exist' for North Korea story when it was ... (more)

Reddit user reveals trick that can help you make the most of the size of your fridge

'It wasn't really the vacation I was looking for': Mormon missionary, 26, jokes with President Trump as he and his ecstatic family thank him in the Oval Office after he helped secure his release from Venezuelan prison where he spent two years 'He's a sociopathic nut job': NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere 'kissed everyone on the lips', and 'treated women like pawns' says former top recruiter who exposed their branding practices Florida and Mississippi declare states of emergency as Subtropical Storm Alberto is set to make landfall and could bring up to ONE FOOT of rain and flooding Trump says he's still hopeful June 12 summit with North Korea will take place as South Korean leader reveals Kim Jong-un wants to keep Singapore date and is committed to 'complete denuclearization' President Trump claimed New York Times used 'phony' source 'who doesn't exist' for North Korea story when it was ... (more)

Senior Tory women demand Theresa May change abortion law in Northern Ireland

'It wasn't really the vacation I was looking for': Mormon missionary, 26, jokes with President Trump as he and his ecstatic family thank him in the Oval Office after he helped secure his release from Venezuelan prison where he spent two years 'He's a sociopathic nut job': NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere 'kissed everyone on the lips', and 'treated women like pawns' says former top recruiter who exposed their branding practices Florida and Mississippi declare states of emergency as Subtropical Storm Alberto is set to make landfall and could bring up to ONE FOOT of rain and flooding Trump says he's still hopeful June 12 summit with North Korea will take place as South Korean leader reveals Kim Jong-un wants to keep Singapore date and is committed to 'complete denuclearization' President Trump claimed New York Times used 'phony' source 'who doesn't exist' for North Korea story when it was ... (more)

Jess Glynne puts on edgy display with crimped tresses and PVC…

'It wasn't really the vacation I was looking for': Mormon missionary, 26, jokes with President Trump as he and his ecstatic family thank him in the Oval Office after he helped secure his release from Venezuelan prison where he spent two years 'Get the f**k out of here, you don't deserve American food': Father pulls a stun gun and knife on four Muslim Egyptian exchange students in a McDonald's parking lot because he believed they 'killed' his Marine son in Afghanistan 'Our members are all shapes and sizes.

Dreamworld Thunder River Rapids ride tragedy was a TERRORIST attack, Police boss thought

'It wasn't really the vacation I was looking for': Mormon missionary, 26, jokes with President Trump as he and his ecstatic family thank him in the Oval Office after he helped secure his release from Venezuelan prison where he spent two years 'Get the f**k out of here, you don't deserve American food': Father pulls a stun gun and knife on four Muslim Egyptian exchange students in a McDonald's parking lot because he believed they 'killed' his Marine son in Afghanistan 'Our members are all shapes and sizes.