Drudge Says Ronan Farrow and Jane Meyer Set to Break Report on…

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from Brett Kavanaugh's College Years - As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

Top Clinton Ally: Matt Drudge Is ‘Evil Incarnate’

Influential news aggregator Matt Drudge is the embodiment of evil itself, according to the head of a top liberal think tank. Center for America Progress President Neera Tanden, a close ally of failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, leveled the accusation while appearing on a National Review podcast, The Jamie Weinstein Show .

Trump Effect: Record Holiday Sales Near $600 Billion; Expert:…

Retailers are reporting record holiday sales this season of $598 billion as of Christmas Eve, fueled by confidence in the pro-business, pro-jobs economic polices of President Donald Trump of cutting Obama-era regulations and enacting major tax cuts and reforms. Yet media reports by CBS, AP and the Wall Street Journal all failed to mention President Trump in their reports on the record sales.

MSNBC Guest: ‘Virtually All Racists Belong to the Republican Party’

Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC displayed the latest example of the liberal news network's eagerness to bring the kind of Republicans onto their shows who will trash other Republicans. While appearing as a guest to promote his book, former George H.W. Bush Treasury official Bruce Bartlett actually asserted that "virtually all racists belong to the Republican party today," and made a Nazi reference to Josef Goebbels as he attacked the right-wing media for supposedly misinforming conservatives.

SHOCK: Scaramucci Wants FBI To Investigate Reince Priebus For Leaking His Financial Disclosure

UPDATE: According to reporter Ryan Lizza from The New Yorker , Scaramucci wants FBI, DOJ to investigate Reince Priebus for leaking his Financial disclosure! In case there's any ambiguity in his tweet I can confirm that Scaramucci wants the FBI to investigate Reince for leaking. White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci took to Twitter Wednesday evening to let his 690,000 followers know that he will be contacting both the FBI and Department of Justice after his financial disclosure leaked.

With Brands On Board Or Not, Right-Wing News Is Full Steam Ahead

In the months leading up to and following the US presidential election, publishers with right-wing and occasionally extremist views, such as Breitbart and InfoWars, have joined stalwarts like the Drudge Report and Newsmax on the Republican right. In spite of their growing audiences, monetization can be tough for these challengers.

DRUDGE: ‘Republican Party should be sued for fraud’

Internet-news mogul Matt Drudge laced into GOP leadership on Wednesday morning, contending the Republican Party should "be sued for fraud" for not delivering on campaign promises soon enough. "No Obamacare repeal, tax cuts! But Republicans vote to shut Warren?" Drudge tweeted, linking a New York Times article about Republicans voting to silence Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren .

Clinton’s doctor says she’s ‘healthy and fit to serve’

Hillary Clinton is "healthy and fit to serve as president of the United States," according to a letter written by her longtime physician and released on Wednesday. Despite the avalanche of rumors about Clinton's health - created by conspiracists with internet platforms and given credence by the likes of Drudge Report and Fox News - her doctor says the candidate has not had a dire health issue during this campaign season.

Matt Drudge Vindicated By Hillary Fainting Episode

Hillary Clinton's fainting episode at a 9/11 memorial Sunday morning was preceded by months of Matt Drudge, the proprietor of the Drudge Report, claiming that Hillary's health is worse than she lets on to the public. Video of the incident shows Clinton going limp before being carried into a van by Secret Service agents.

Drudge Report Goes for Hillary Clinton Lesbian Rumor With Its Weiner Headline

Not much is beneath the standards of right-wing blogger Matt Drudge, even insinuating Hillary Clinton's aide is leaving her husband to shack up with the presidential nominee. Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner today found himself in the middle of another sexting scandal, even after the first one derailed his political career and embarassed his wife, powerful Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

What Paul Ryan’s primary could tell us about Donald Trump and…

An early-May poll showed Paul Ryan's primary challenger with the support of 14% of voters in Wisconsin's 1st District. Earlier this week, Paul Nehlen, the Wisconsin businessman looking to unseat the House speaker, wound up with a near identical level of support - just 15.9% - in the Tuesday primary.

‘Condemned to Republican hell’: Ted Cruz faces GOP knives for…

Republicans from all corners of the party scorned Ted Cruz Wednesday night after the Texas senator delivered a speech before the Republican National Convention that not only failed to endorse nominee Donald Trump, but encouraged audience members to not do so if it would violate their "conscience." "Cruz condemned to Republican hell," conservative-news mogul Matt Drudge tweeted, before placing a "HELL'S A-BURNIN'" banner on his popular website.