How could the ‘new NAFTA’ help farmers?

After over a year of negotiations, in late September the United States, Canada and Mexico struck a new trade deal. Often referred to as a "new NAFTA" what does the new agreement mean for U.S. agriculture? Looking for answers, Delta Farm Press spoke with Pat Westhoff on Oct. 2. Westhoff is the director of the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri.

St. Louis opioid treatment program to expand statewide

Missouri health officials are looking to implement Engaging Patients in Care Coordination, or EPICC, across the state within a year. The program treats overdose victims at emergency rooms with buprenorphine, a medication that mimics opioids without the resulting high and helps with withdrawal symptoms.

Indictment of Missouri governor could have political ripples

It didn't take long after Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted for alleged invasion of privacy for Missouri Democrats to tie him to Attorney General Josh Hawley, the presumed GOP front runner in Missouri's hotly contested U.S. Senate race. Nor did it take long for Republicans to link the prosecutor who announced the charges to a prominent national Democratic financier.

A nod, and a nodding off, to another year of American hilarity

Tryptophan, an amino acid in turkey, is unjustly blamed for what mere gluttony does, making Americans comatose every fourth Thursday in November. But before nodding off, give thanks for another year of American hilarity, including: A company curried favor with advanced thinkers by commissioning for Manhattan's financial district the "Fearless Girl" bronze statue, which exalts female intrepidity in the face of a rampant bull .

A nod, and a nodding off, to another year of U.S. hilarity

Tryptophan, an amino acid in turkey, is unjustly blamed for what mere gluttony does, making Americans comatose every fourth Thursday in November. But before nodding off, give thanks for another year of American hilarity, including: A company curried favor with advanced thinkers by commissioning for Manhattan's financial district the "Fearless Girl" bronze statue, which exalts female intrepidity in the face of a rampant bull a surging stock market or toxic masculinity).

The Unbelievable Hypocrisy of Free-Speech Conservatives

Why did it take the latest damning revelations about the Trump family's Russia connections to provoke Fox News anchor Shepard Smith to ask "Why is it lie after lie after lie?If there's nothing there - and that's what they tell usIf all of that, why all these lies?" Fox News has abetted so many of the president's cons that Smith's outburst was indeed surprisingly off message for the network.

Mizzou likely to cut hundreds of positions amid expected 7 percent…

Mizzou likely to cut hundreds of positions amid expected 7 percent enrollment drop - Amid budget cuts and an anticipated 7.4 percent drop in enrollment, leaders at the University of Missouri-Columbia are expecting to trim about 400 positions. - Most of the jobs would be cut through attrition, with fewer than 100 layoffs projected.

It’s time to ignore flag burners on campus

Do students love a flag aflame? At Hampshire College, in western Massachusetts, a student burned a flag to express opposition to the president-elect. At American University, in our nation's capital, flags were burned as students unleashed obscenity-laced chants against the United States.

A March to Nowhereby Carrie LukasAnti-Trump protests are ongoing,…

Leftist protesters have taken to the streets in opposition to President-elect Trump - but what are they trying to accomplish? nti-Trump protests are ongoing, with hundreds still gathering around the country to denounce the results of the 2016 election. This may just be the beginning: The Daily Mail reports that a " women's march on Washington " is being planned to coincide with the inauguration in January.