Conservatives will always call socialists hypocrites. Ignore…

Registration will allow you to post comments on and create a Subscriber Portal account for you to manage subscriptions and email preferences. Shortly after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old democratic socialist, pulled off a surprise left-flank victory over incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley in a New York congressional primary last week, pictures of her childhood home began appearing on social media.

Longtime AIDS researcher Robert Redfield picked to lead CDC

This undated photo provided by the University of Maryland School of Medicine in March 2018 shows Dr. Robert Redfield Jr. On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, Redfield was named the new director of the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the federal government's top public health agency. This undated photo provided by the University of Maryland School of Medicine in March 2018 shows Dr. Robert Redfield Jr. On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, Redfield was named the new director of the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the federal government's top public health agency.

Continue reading President seeking a reset with address

Beset by poor poll numbers and the grind of the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump will look to reset his term with his first State of the Union address, arguing that his tax cut and economic policies will benefit all Americans. The theme of his Tuesday night address to Congress and the country is "Building a safe, strong and proud America," and the president is looking to showcase accomplishments of his first year while setting the tone for the second.

Amid turmoil, Trump seeking a reset with State of the Union

Beset by poor poll numbers and the grind of the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump will look to reset his term with his first State of the Union address, arguing that his tax cut and economic policies will benefit all Americans. The theme of his Tuesday night address to Congress and the country is "Building a safe, strong and proud America," and the president is looking to showcase accomplishments of his first year while setting the tone for the second.

Princeton to “re-educate” its male students

Princeton University is looking to hire an "Interpersonal Violence Clinician and Men's Engagement Manager." In addition to providing clinical support for the men at Princeton, "[t]he Manager will develop and implement men's programming initiatives geared toward enhancing awareness and challenging gender stereotypesa " If you want to apply for the job, you had better be a leftist.

Politics | Fecteau: For Cicilline, What Goes Arounda .

I trust Congressman and former mayor of Providence David Cicilline will be written about in history as one of Rhode Island's paramount electoral blunders of all time. Cicilline would face criminal charges for his malfeasance in any other state, but this is Rhode Island; a state that appears to elect the crooked, and the neurotic Cicilline falls in both camps.

It’s time to ignore flag burners on campus

Do students love a flag aflame? At Hampshire College, in western Massachusetts, a student burned a flag to express opposition to the president-elect. At American University, in our nation's capital, flags were burned as students unleashed obscenity-laced chants against the United States.

Psychology Around the Net: September 17, 2016

Before you run off to enjoy the last weekend of summer, take some time to enjoy the seriously random mix of mental health news and stories I've found for you this week! Read on to take a look at data on how psychiatric drug advertising affects prescriptions, a study related to how writing down your dreams and goals increases your chances of achieving them, reviews on various self-help books for pet parents , and more.