Thousands stampede at Global Citizen concert in Central Park after…

Trump slams the Dems over Kavanaugh controversy then mocks Feinstein's appearance at the committee by casting doubt on denials she leaked Dr. Ford's letter saying her body language was 'the worst I've ever seen' FBI contacts second Kavanagh accuser Deborah Ramirez - which Trump calls a 'blessing in disguise' that will exonerate his SCOTUS pick, as the White House BANS the bureau from speaking to third woman Julie Swetnick World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee unveils radical plan for the fabled 'New Internet' that will decentralize the global system and allow users to take back control of their data from sites like Google and Facebook 'Lindsey Graham needs the stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend': Bill Maher attacks the South Carolina senator for defending Brett Kavanaugh and mocks his close friendship with the late John McCain Thousands stampede at Global Citizen concert in ... (more)

Google pulls YouTube ads by Putin critic Alexei Navalny

Democratic Party Mailer Associating Cynthia Nixon With Anti-Semitism Backfires - On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, just days before New York's gubernatorial primary on Thursday, a mailer sent by the New York Democratic Party misrepresenting Cynthia Nixon's views on Israel and accusing How WhatsApp Destroyed A Village - In July, residents of a rural Indian town saw rumors of child kidnappers on WhatsApp. Then they beat five strangers to death.

Tired of waiting for feds, states set own online political ad rules

U.S. states are tightening rules for online political advertising ahead of the November midterm elections as prospects dim that federal rules will be in place to prevent a repeat of the Russian interference seen in 2016. As political campaigns dump millions of advertising dollars into Facebook, Twitter and Google, states including Maryland, Washington and New York are putting more pressure on tech companies to keep tabs.

Conservatives will always call socialists hypocrites. Ignore…

Registration will allow you to post comments on and create a Subscriber Portal account for you to manage subscriptions and email preferences. Shortly after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old democratic socialist, pulled off a surprise left-flank victory over incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley in a New York congressional primary last week, pictures of her childhood home began appearing on social media.

Google blames Wikipedia for linking California GOP to Nazism

In this Dec. 4, 2017, photo, people walk by Google offices in New York. Google is blaming "vandalism" at Wikipedia for search results that incorrectly said the ideology of the California Republican Party included "Nazism."

Peter Thiel is totally over Silicon Valley, people – CNET

During a talk at Stanford University more than a decade ago, Peter Thiel said there was a 50 percent chance the next major tech firm would come up within a 5-mile radius of the school. That company was Facebook, and it was well within that distance.

This Thursday, July 27, 2017, photo shows an AT&T logo at a store in…

AT&T is calling on Congress for a national net neutrality law that would govern internet providers and tech companies alike, which the telecom giant says would end a fractious, years-long debate over the future of the web. In a series of full-page ads Wednesday in major newspapers such as The Washington Post and the New York Times, AT&T chief executive Randall Stephenson proposed an "Internet Bill of Rights" that could help guarantee an open internet, one in which online content is not blocked or slowed down by telecom or cable companies, nor by internet companies such as Google or Facebook.

Senators grill social media companies over terrorist posts

This photo combo of images shows, clockwise, from upper left: a Google sign, the Twitter app, YouTube TV logo and the Facebook app. On Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018, lawmakers grilled executives from Facebook, Google's YouTube and Twitter about what the companies are doing to prevent extremists and terrorists from using their platforms to spread propaganda and hate and recruit new followers.

Rolls-Royce, Google Cloud Sign Landmark Deal

The maritime industry's exhaustive push toward autonomy just received a boost in the form of a deal signed between Rolls-Royce and Google to develop further its intelligent awareness systems. The agreement was signed at the Google Cloud Summit in Sweden, and it allows Rolls-Royce to use Google's Cloud Machine Learning Engine to further train the company's artificial intelligence based object classification system for detecting, identifying and tracking the objects a vessel can encounter at sea.

Google’s digital assistant branches out to Nest camera

Weinstein has asked a judge to toss out a federal sexual misconduct lawsuit filed against him and he's invoking the wo... Harvey Weinstein has asked a judge to dismiss a federal sexual misconduct lawsuit against him and invoked the words of some A-list actresses in his defense. Harvey Weinstein has asked a judge to dismiss a federal sexual misconduct lawsuit against him and invoked the words of some A-list actresses in his defense.

Google gives grant to preserve oral history of Stonewall Inn

The philanthropic wing of the internet search giant Google says it is donating $1 million to preserve an oral history of the 1969 Stonewall riots. Sen. Chuck Schumer made the announcement Sunday that, the company's philanthropy branch, is donating the grant to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center to start the oral history project.

a Us court has ordered Google to hand over emails stored outside of…

Does the US government have the power to order American companies to hand over data stored on servers outside of the country? That's the question at the heart of a legal battle between Google and the FBI. A US judge has ordered Google to comply with search warrants seeking customer emails stored outside the United States - even though a federal appeals court reached an opposite conclusion in a similar case involving Microsoft.

Hope for cancer fight as study shows FDA-approved diabetes drug…

EXCLUSIVE: 'We'd hear a body had been found and hold our breath.' Family of North Carolina girl located in Ohio FIVE YEARS after vanishing will reunite with the 21-year-old who's now engaged CIA officials REFUSE to brief Congress on the truth about Russian hacking claims - and are rebuked by GOP congressman for 'disgraceful' move Santa Con? Doubts are raised over touching story about Father Christmas who held a terminally ill boy in his arms as he died 'Meh' food, terrible commutes and brilliant people with nothing challenging to do: Google employees reveal what they hated most about working at the company famous for its perks Ex-Milwaukee cop who shot and killed a young black man during a traffic stop is charged with reckless homicide PIERS MORGAN: Harry marrying a spunky American divorcee would have sent the Royals into fury 80 years ago.

Google extends conservative outreach

Alphabet's Google is racing to hire more conservatives for its lobbying and policy arm, trying to get a foothold in President-elect Donald Trump's Washington after enjoying a uniquely close relationship with the administration of President Barack Obama. In the weeks since the Nov. 8 election, Google has ramped up efforts to hire Republican lobbying firms and in-house lobbyists to change the composition of its Washington office, according to three lobbyists with knowledge of the matter.

Emails Show How Clinton Campaign Chair Was Apparently Hacked

New evidence appears to show how hackers earlier this year stole more than 50,000 emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, an audacious electronic attack blamed on Russia's government and one that has resulted in embarrassing political disclosures about Democrats in the final weeks before the U.S. presidential election . The hackers sent John Podesta an official-looking email on Saturday, March 19, that appeared to come from Google.

University of California is HillaryClinton’s top source of campaign cash

The University of California is the biggest source of cash for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Individuals affiliated with the University of California system gave nearly $1.2 million to Clinton's campaign committee, the largest bloc of contributions she received for her presidential run.