Google pulls YouTube ads by Putin critic Alexei Navalny

Democratic Party Mailer Associating Cynthia Nixon With Anti-Semitism Backfires - On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, just days before New York's gubernatorial primary on Thursday, a mailer sent by the New York Democratic Party misrepresenting Cynthia Nixon's views on Israel and accusing How WhatsApp Destroyed A Village - In July, residents of a rural Indian town saw rumors of child kidnappers on WhatsApp. Then they beat five strangers to death.

Avenatti would base his 2020 campaign in St. Louis

Bruce Ohr notes contradict Glenn Simpson on Donald Trump, Russia collusion theory - Fusion GPS founder Glenn R. Simpson pushed a conspiracy theory to the Justice Department that posited Donald Trump maintained a computer server in 2016 directly linked to the Kremlin-connected Alfa Bank in Moscow How WhatsApp Destroyed A Village - In July, residents of a rural Indian town saw rumors of child kidnappers on WhatsApp. Then they beat five strangers to death.

Opposition indulging in vote bank politics over NRC: Shah

New Delhi, July 31 : The BJP on Tuesday said the National Register of Citizens , whose draft was released in Assam on Monday, is a matter of national security for the party and accused the opposition of indulging in vote bank politics. Bharatiya Janata Party president Amit Shah said the security of the country and its people is the top most priority and dared other parties to clear their stand on Bangladeshi infiltrators.

No jokes, please, we’re patriots

New Delhi: Vadodara's M.S. University has cancelled a show by stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra on the campus next month after less than a dozen alumni wrote to the vice-chancellor asking him what message the varsity was planning to send out by hosting an "anti-national flag-bearer". No stranger to controversy triggered by his biting humour, Kunal - who heard about the cancellation from the media - had a comeback less than 24 hours later.

How India’s submarine strength matches up to its neighbours China, Pakistan

When it comes to undersea naval fleet, Indian Navy's submarine strength is way ahead of its neighbours Pakistan and Bangladesh, but pales in comparison to China. As per a report by Naval Analyses, India has 15 conventional submarines , two nuclear-powered submarines with nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles and one nuclear-powered submarine INS Chakra.

Rajnath Singh to visit Bangladesh from July 13

In his meeting with Bangladesh Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan, Singh will discuss ways to strengthen the anti-terror mechanism between the two countries and check radicalisation of youths by terrorist groups, a Home Ministry official said. NEW DELHI: Home Minister Rajnath Singh will pay a three-day visit to Bangladesh beginning July 13, during which he will hold discussions on various issues including anti-terror cooperation, attempts by terror groups to radicalise youths and Rohingya refugees, officials said on Tuesday.

India kicks off process to procure 110 fighter jets for Indian Air Force

NEW DELHI: It's jet set, go, all over again! India has kicked off a fresh dogfight for its $20 billion "mother of all defence deals" by re-inviting global aviation majors to compete for producing fighter jets in India under the government's "strategic partnership" policy. IAF on Friday issued a preliminary global tender or RFI to acquire 110 fighter jets, of which 85% are to be built in India with a domestic strategic partner or production agency.

CCEA nod to revised cost of scheme for updating NRC in Assam

New Delhi, April 4 : The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Wednesday approved the Revised Cost Estimates of the scheme for updation of National Register of Citizens in Assam up to December 31 this year at a cost of Rs 1,220.93 crore. The scheme of NRC, 1951, is specific to Assam and covers about 3.29 crore applicants, an official statement said.

Can Rahul Gandhi Become A National Contender In 2019?

To gain control over messaging, among others things like funding, it is vital for Congress to perform well in the months leading up to 2019 We have never seen as much interest in an election concerning India's northeast as we did this week. I usually wake up early, around 5, and was surprised to see that This is a good sign for us as a nation.

Voices from the Arab Press: A war with no instigators

SECURITY PERSONNEL examine the remains of an Israel Air Force F-16 fighter plane near Kibbutz Harduf on February 10, 2018. . A WAR WITH NO INSTIGATORS Asharq al-Awsat, London, February 12 There has been a dramatic turn of events in Syria.

Philippine leader tells Suu Kyi to ignore rights criticism

Philippine president said he pities Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi for being the focus of international criticism over her country's handling of the Rohingya refugee crisis. Suu Kyi and Duterte met in New Delhi this week at a summit of Southeast Asian leaders on the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-India ties.

Vivek Lall joins Lockheed-Martin

Washington, Jan 6 : Distinguished aerospace expert Vivek Lall has joined Lockheed- Martin to look after the companys combat jet programme, specifically the newer generation F-16 Block 70 that the company has offered for production to India. Lall took over his new assignment as Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, on on January 2 at the company's aircraft production facility at Fort Worth, where the F-16 Falcon, F-35 Lightning II and other combat and transport aircraft like the F-22 Raptor and C-130J Super Hercules are made.

Indian or not? Muslims fret amid drive against illegal immigrants

A policeman stands guard after the publication of the first draft of the National Register of Citizens at a NRC centre in Chandamari village in Goalpara district in the northeastern state of Assam, India, Jan 2, 2018. FOFONGA, India: Marzina Bibi, a Muslim woman living in India's northeastern state of Assam, is petrified she will be declared stateless.

In India, some fear lawmakers are stoking anti-Muslim fervour

A lawmaker from India's ruling party called the Taj Mahal a blot on Indian culture, saying in October that the famous tourist site had been built by Muslim traitors. In November, another party member offered a bounty for the heads of two people involved in a movie featuring a Muslim sultan.

Indira showed commitment to people can’t be killed: Pranab

New Delhi, Nov 19 - In her death, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi left a message that a commitment to the people can never be killed by any power, however strong it may be, former President Pranab Mukherjee said on Sunday. Mukherjee was speaking at the inaugural function of a photo exhibition on Indira Gandhi on the centenary of her birth anniversary at her memorial here.

India needs a more robust naval presence in Asia

At a biannual naval commanders' conference in New Delhi last week, the Indian Navy's top leadership cleared a new maritime deployment plan . In a bid to counter emerging challenges in the Indian Ocean littorals - in particular, the growing presence of Chinese warships and submarines in India's near seas - senior commanders backed a proposal for the prolonged deployment of warships in critical and vulnerable spaces in the Indian Ocean.

Ex-ambassador Richard Verma joins India-US forum board

Washington, Oct 28 - former US Ambassador to India Richard Verma has joined the board of the US India Strategic Partnership Forum , a New Delhi-centric advocacy group aiming at strengthening ties between the two nations, the media reported. Announcing Verma's appointment, the USISPF said on Thursday: Verma's extensive career and long-standing knowledge of foreign policy makes him an invaluable addition to the USISPF Board, The American Bazaar reported on Friday.