Gov. John Bel Edwards heading to Israel this month for economic development, cybersecurity meetings

Gov. John Bel Edwards will travel to Israel later this month as part of an economic development mission with a focus both on cyber security and business opportunities for Louisiana companies. Edwards, a Democrat who took office in January 2016, will leave Louisiana on Oct. 26 and return on Nov. 2. The trip schedule includes a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other government leaders in Jerusalem on Oct. 28, as well as meetings in Tel Aviv with businesses.

US Supreme Court Justice receives lifetime award in Israel

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg received a lifetime achievement award Wednesday from a prominent Jewish organization in Israel. Ginsburg cited Holocaust diarist Anne Frank among others in a speech at a ceremony in Tel Aviv that touched on her fight for women's rights and quoted from Jewish traditions and history.

Israel Facing Backlash Over Gaza Violence

Israel faced a growing backlash Tuesday and new charges of using excessive force, a day after Israeli troops firing from across a border fence killed 59 Palestinians and wounded more than 2,700 at a mass protest in Gaza. Turkey expelled Israel's ambassador, while Ireland and Belgium summoned Israeli envoys.

Live: White House briefing – White House blames Hamas for deaths of Palestinians

White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah praised the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem and called today "a great day for Israel," and a reminder that when Donald Trump makes a promise, he keeps it. But during the festivities surrounding the embassy's opening in Jerusalem, Israeli soldiers have shot and killed at least 52 Palestinians during mass protests over the relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

55 Palestinian Protesters Killed, Gaza Officials Say, As U.S. Opens Jerusalem Embassy

Tens of thousands of Palestinians are protesting the opening of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, and Israeli army forces have killed 55 protesters, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. The ministry also says some 2,770 people have been hurt in demonstrations and clashes.

Security, road closures and speechmaking: The US embassy moves to Jerusalem

A new road sign indicating the way to the new US embassy in Jerusalem is seen on May 7, 2018. Over 21 years after the United States Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act calling to move the US mission from Tel Aviv, America on Monday will turn its Jerusalem consulate into its official embassy, fulfilling a campaign promise made by US President Donald Trump ahead of the 2016 election.

Recognizing Jerusalem is in America’s national interest

A worker hangs a road sign directing to the US embassy, in the area of the US consulate in Jerusalem, May 7, 2018. . When US President Donald Trump vowed during his election campaign to put 'America First,' many commentators mocked him for what was a very reasonable policy.

Why Israel Feels Threatened by Popular Resistance in Palestine

"This glimmer of attention may have provided Palestinians with an opportunity to elevate the injustice of the siege up the global political agenda, but is, sadly, of little consolation to the families of the dead." Why did Israel kill many unarmed Gaza protesters and wound over 2,000 on Friday, March 30 and on the following days, when they clearly posed no threat to Israeli soldiers? Hundreds of Israeli soldiers, many of them snipers, were deployed to the deadly buffer zone that the Israeli army has created between besieged Gaza and Israel, as tens of thousands of Palestinian families held mass rallies at the border.

Between the lines: How religious leaders dismiss Trump’s misbehavior NEW

"It is remarkable to hear religious leaders defend profanity, ridicule and cruelty as hallmarks of authenticity, and dismiss decency as dead language," writes Michael Gerson in the cover story of the April edition of The Atlantic. He is referring specifically to evangelical Christians who defend President Donald Trump despite his very un-Christian behavior.

Voices from the Arab Press: A war with no instigators

SECURITY PERSONNEL examine the remains of an Israel Air Force F-16 fighter plane near Kibbutz Harduf on February 10, 2018. . A WAR WITH NO INSTIGATORS Asharq al-Awsat, London, February 12 There has been a dramatic turn of events in Syria.

Pence says troops should not have to worry about government shutdown

Vice President Mike Pence is making his fourth visit to Israel, returning to a region he's visited "a million times" in his heart. An evangelical Christian with strong ties to the Holy Land, Pence this time comes packing two key policy decisions in his bags that have long been top priorities for him: designating Jerusalem as Israel's capital and curtailing aid for Palestinians.

Pence says troops should not have to worry about shutdownabout 2 hours ago

Vice President Mike Pence is making his fourth visit to Israel, returning to a region he's visited "a million times" in his heart. An evangelical Christian with strong ties to the Holy Land, Pence this time comes packing two key policy decisions in his bags that have long been top priorities for him: designating Jerusalem as Israel's capital and curtailing aid for Palestinians.

Pence has long pushed for Trump policies on Israel

Vice President Mike Pence is making his fifth visit to Israel, returning to a region he's visited "a million times" in his heart. An evangelical Christian with strong ties to the Holy Land, Pence this time comes packing two key policy decisions in his bags that have long been top priorities for him: designating Jerusalem as Israel's capital and curtailing aid for Palestinians.

White House vows to stand firm on Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, speaks during the U.N. General Assembly special session on a nonbinding resolution condemning the recent U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The Trump administration has scrambled to contain the remarkably broad international rejection of its new policy toward the divided city of Jerusalem, including from important allies - using threats, assurances and a cold shoulder to try to limit the diplomatic damage.

Ben Shapiro: Ill-Assimilated Muslims Are Contributing to the Rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe

As Ben Shapiro filled in for "The Glenn Beck Radio Program" on Friday, he raised a critical issue facing Jews in Europe that surprisingly made headlines in the left-leaning, mainstream media. The article Ben referenced on the program, " Anti-semitism is still alive in Germany as Jews face 'disturbing' discrimination ," delved into the evidence that, due to Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to allow nearly 1 million Muslim refugees into Germany, anti-Semitism from ill-assimilated Muslims is now contributing to disturbingly high rates of discrimination against Jews in Europe.

Security council members push Trump for detailed Mideast peace proposal

Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and Italy called on the United States on Friday to put forward detailed proposals for peace between Israel and the Palestinians and described as "unhelpful" a decision by President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Trump's reversal of decades of US policy on Wednesday sparked a Palestinian "day of rage" on Friday.