Amnesty International USA Calls on Senators Not to Confirm Haspel

Reacting to news that Gina Haspel has received support from Democratic Sen. Warner for the role of CIA Director, Daphne Eviatar, Director of Security with Human Rights at Amnesty International USA stated: "Due to the overwhelming public evidence suggesting Haspel's participation and compliance with crimes including torture, enforced disappearance, and obstruction of justice, Haspel's nomination is an affront to human rights. This country has not held any officials accountable for the use of torture, so it's even more outrageous that the government is considering someone to the chief intelligence position in spite of her alleged participation in that clearly illegal and immoral activity.

Google on RT, Sputnik: Russian Media to Be ‘Deranked’ in Searches

Google parent company Alphabet said the search engine will "derank" articles from Russia Today and Sputnik because of allegations the Russian government meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. At the Halifax International Security Forum on Saturday, Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt said search algorithms would be used to limit the reach of articles, the BBC reported .

Senators rip tech firms for not doing more to block Russia links

Senators are harshly criticizing representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google for not doing more to prevent Russian agents interfering with the American political process. At one point, Sen. Al Franken shook his head after he couldn't get all the companies to commit to not accepting political ads bought with North Korean currency.

Watch: Tech giants testify on Russian interference in U.S. election

Tech giants testify before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Tuesday about Russian efforts to spread disinformation in the U.S. Representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google, along with two national security analysts, will speak with lawmakers about ways that Russia has used the social media platforms. Apparent Russian agents began reaching out to Donald Trump's presidential campaign as early as March 2016, the Justice Department established in documents released Monday, with appeals for partnership and offers of help including "dirt" on Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Viral photos of college student spurs modeling agency call

Woman, 22, 'killed after suicidal 12-year-old boy jumped 30 feet off an overpass and landed on her car' - but he SURVIVED Majority of Houston Texans kneel during national anthem in protest against owner Bob McNair's 'inmates are running the prison' comment 'Every woman just went, "I'm done"': Amber Tamblyn claims that the allegations against Harvey Weinstein would have never surfaced if Hillary Clinton had been elected Two members of Navy's elite SEAL Team Six are under investigation in strangulation death of Army Green Beret, 34, in Mali Google CEO says company will 'DROP EVERYTHING' on Monday to fix the glaring error on its cheeseburger emoji...but can you tell what it is? Father who pleaded guilty to raping and murdering his 14-year-old daughter now wants to reverse plea and face trial for heinous crimes Why cheating in a marriage can be HEALTHY: Relationship guru insists infidelity ... (more)

Google, Facebook help spread bad info after Las Vegas attack

In the immediate aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, people turned to Facebook and Google, looking for news about what happened and, in some cases, updates about their friends and loved ones in the area. Perhaps the most egregious strain of misinformation took hold after far-right trolls gathered on 4chan, a forum in which individuals are permitted to post almost anything anonymously, and, through some amateur online sleuthing, misidentified the shooter.

Google, Facebook help spread bad information after Las Vegas attack

In the immediate aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, people turned to Facebook and Google, looking for news about what happened and, in some cases, updates about their friends and loved ones in the area. Perhaps the most egregious strain of misinformation took hold after far-right trolls gathered on 4chan, a forum in which individuals are permitted to post almost anything anonymously, and, through some amateur online sleuthing, misidentified the shooter.

High-Resolution Flood Imagery on Website, App Today to Assist Houston…

The before-and-after imagery slider on Woolpert's website allows local, state and federal officials and the public to navigate and enhance sites in Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. To help the millions affected by Hurricane Harvey and subsequent flooding in the state of Texas, Woolpert has collected, processed and delivered high-resolution, before-and-after aerial imagery and made it available to the public today.

WikiLeaks CIA files: Are they real and are they a risk?

WikiLeaks has published thousands of documents that the anti-secrecy organization said were classified files revealing scores of secrets about CIA hacking tools used to break into targeted computers, cellphones and even smart TVs. The CIA and the Trump administration declined to comment on the authenticity of the files Tuesday, but prior WikiLeaks releases divulged government secrets maintained by the State Department, Pentagon and other agencies that have since been acknowledged as genuine.

4 steps to better managing cyber security risks

From the stolen email archives of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman to numerous reports of attacks on companies, hospitals, schools and others, cybersecurity has continued to expand into a major mainstream news topic. Google searches on "cybersecurity" spiked to an all-time high during the year.

Google Publicly Reveals 8 Secret FBI Requests

Freed by security reforms adopted by Congress last year, Google yesterday published the redacted contents of eight National Security Letters it received from the Federal Bureau of Investigation between 2010 and 2015 requesting information on 21 user accounts. U.S. government agencies can use NSLs to request certain types of information about the activities of users of Internet services and other communication services.

Emails Show How Clinton Campaign Chair Was Apparently Hacked

New evidence appears to show how hackers earlier this year stole more than 50,000 emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, an audacious electronic attack blamed on Russia's government and one that has resulted in embarrassing political disclosures about Democrats in the final weeks before the U.S. presidential election . The hackers sent John Podesta an official-looking email on Saturday, March 19, that appeared to come from Google.

Google Reports Record Number of Government Requests for User Data

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