On this Memorial Day, remember the trauma of 50 years ago

Senator Robert Kennedy & wife Ethel standing at podium, addressing his constituents & the press at the Ambassador Hotel after his CA primary election victory and just prior to his assassination. In this April 28, 1965 file photo, U.S. Marine infantry stream into a suspected Viet Cong village near Da Nang in Vietnam during the Vietnamese war.

Letter: When Trey Gowdy goes silent

Not since Simon & Garfunkel has there been such a deafening "sound of silence" as U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy and his Republican colleagues in responding to Russia's assault on American freedom and democracy. Gowdy's only interest, if any, seems to be government leaks, when most folks with half a brain know that Washington, D.C., leaks as badly as Pa Kettle's roof in a rainstorm.

Demi Lovato gets personal at the Democratic convention

Comic Sarah Silverman joined Sen. Al Franken Monday night to urge Democratic National Convention delegates to unite - then stirred up Bernie Sanders die-hards with some choice words: "To the Bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous." As a Sanders supporter herself, Silverman said she would now vote for Hillary Clinton "with gusto" as she continues to be "inspired and moved to action by the ideals set forth by Bernie, who will never stop fighting for us."