Demi Lovato is dancing with the devil on behalf of women everywhere | Rebecca Nicholson

The singer’s brutally frank documentary about the perils of addiction is an exhortation to those under stress to seek help

When the pop star Demi Lovato explains that she wants “to set the record straight about what it was that happened”, in her new documentary Dancing with the Devil, she is not messing around. The first two parts of the film, which were released on YouTube last week, tell the story of Lovato’s relapse into drug use and her near-fatal overdose in 2018. This is the era of selfies, of course, with everything documented and preserved, but a selfie captioned “Demi on crack for the first time” shocked me. This is a brutally frank account of her troubles, with seemingly nothing left out. If anyone remains in doubt that fame is a grim pact for most, and particularly for young women, then this puts the case to the jury, again and again.

Dancing with the Devil was the third documentary I had seen in the last month about a famous woman under unimaginable pressure, in unimaginable pain. I watched Framing Britney Spears and saw a charismatic pop star churned up by the spotlight, hounded wherever she went, cracking under the weight of it all. With heavy heart, I watched the difficult, moving Channel 4 film about Caroline Flack, made with the participation of her brave family. It was announced recently that Brittany Murphy, the Clueless star who died at the age of 32 in 2009, will be the subject of a new two-part documentary that promises to “cut through the tabloid noise” and “[craft] a grounded account of Brittany Murphy’s life struggles”.

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‘So much pressure to look a certain way’: why eating disorders are rife in pop music

A documentary series about Demi Lovato shows how brutally controlled the singer’s diet once was, and, as other pop performers attest, it’s control that underpins damaging behaviour

For eight years of her life, Demi Lovato was served a watermelon cake for her birthday. This wasn’t a watermelon-flavoured version of a proper cake with all the good stuff like butter, sugar and flour, but rather an actual watermelon with some icing on top.

The reason for this was that her team at the time were “trying to keep her weight down”, according to Lovato’s best friend Matthew Scott Montgomery, who is interviewed as part of Demi Lovato: Dancing With the Devil, the YouTube documentary series premiering this week. Her team would police what she ate, he says, and those she was with were also required to eat only when Lovato ate, with no snacking outside of meals, in an attempt to “keep her well” and avoid triggering a relapse into the restrictive eating disorders she struggled with as a teenager.

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Demi Lovato says she was raped as a teenager by someone she knew

In a new docuseries, the singer says she was assaulted as a teen and after telling somebody, the rapist ‘never got taken out of the movie they were in’

Demi Lovato has said she was raped as a teenager while working for the Disney Channel in the late 2000s by someone who faced no repercussions when she revealed what happened. The singer does not say who the offender was, only that she “had to see this person all the time” afterwards.

Related: Demi Lovato says she had three strokes and heart attack after 2018 overdose

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Demi Lovato flaunts pert derriere in racy Instagram snap

Her last words were her vows: Inspirational breast cancer sufferer, 31, marries in hospital bed ceremony just hours before she dies Pictured: Law firm partner and family man, 58, who shot dead Pamela Anderson's attorney and injured another lawyer at their office holiday party moments after he was fired Mystery as 'very healthy' college student, 18, dies in his sleep on a flight that was taking him home for Christmas Man finds four-year-girl playing alone in the snow in her pajamas... then she leads police to her mother's dead body in their nearby home 'Death to the Ayatollah': Two demonstrators are 'shot dead' in Iran after angry crowds burn down a government building and torch cars as thousands take to streets in biggest revolt since 2009 'Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever': Donald Trump warns Iran the 'world is watching' as he backs the protesters' calls for change 'It is ... (more)

After Roem’s election, Va. GOP leader wants to do away with ‘gentlewoman’ title for lawmakers

Virginia Del.-elect Danica Roem , left, and Demi Lovato at the American Music Awards. With Virginia's first openly transgender elected official preparing to take her seat in the House of Delegates, the Republican leader of that chamber says it is time to end a tradition of addressing lawmakers by formal male and female pronouns.

Demi Lovato gets personal at the Democratic convention

Comic Sarah Silverman joined Sen. Al Franken Monday night to urge Democratic National Convention delegates to unite - then stirred up Bernie Sanders die-hards with some choice words: "To the Bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous." As a Sanders supporter herself, Silverman said she would now vote for Hillary Clinton "with gusto" as she continues to be "inspired and moved to action by the ideals set forth by Bernie, who will never stop fighting for us."