Middle East Studies Assn., joins Md. Suit to block Trump Muslim Ban

Civil rights and refugee groups today asked a federal court in Maryland to block the Trump administration's revised executive order, arguing that it would cause irreparable harm for their plaintiffs. The order, which still maintains the suspension of refugee resettlement along with banning entry of nationals from six Muslim-majority countries, was issued on March 6. The groups that brought the case include the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Maryland, and the National Immigration Law Center on behalf of the International Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center, HIAS, and the Middle East Studies Association, along with individuals, including U.S. citizens, affected by the ban.

‘Trump’s government is waiting to see what Netanyahu wants’

At an event in Gush Etzion's Oz Vegaon, Co-chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel Marc Zell spoke about the steps US President Donald Trump is taking to change the US policy towards Israel, the Middle East, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. He also spoke about Trump's pre-election promises.

Trump says Israel settlement growth ‘not good for peace’

Jewish settlements in both the West Bank and east Jerusalem are viewed as illegal under international law and major stumbling blocks to peace. Photo: AFP US President Donald Trump does not believe Israeli settlement growth in Palestinian territories is "good for peace", he told a paper today, in his most direct comments on the matter since inauguration.

Trump officials move to appeal ruling blocking immigration order

On another day of chaotic developments over the week-old order, the State Department reversed its cancellation of visas for people from the seven affected countries and restarted efforts to admit refugees. Aid groups scrambled to take advantage of what they acknowledged might be a brief opportunity for refugees to enter the United States, and small numbers of travelers from the previously banned countries began their journeys, knowing that the judge's ruling could be reversed at any time.

White House cautions Israel on expanding settlements in West Bank

Israeli police evict settlers from the West Bank settlement of Ofra on Thursday following the evacuation of Amona outpost. Amona is the largest of about 100 unauthorized outposts erected in the West Bank without formal permission but with tacit Israeli government support.

A Jerusalem embassy? Fear not, liberals

P resident Trump appears to be taking steps to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; the White House confirmed this past weekend that it is in the early stages of preparing for relocation. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat seemed confident enough to announce assurances that "the embassy move is done seamlessly and efficiently."

Netanyahu condemns Paris summit as ‘rigged’ against Israel

Israel's prime minister said Thursday that an upcoming conference in Paris aimed at reviving peace talks with the Palestinians was "rigged" and that Israel was not bound by the meeting. Dozens of countries are set to attend the conference on Jan. 15, where they may endorse an international framework for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Trump’s son-in-law to become top White House adviser

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump arrives with husband Jared Kushner at the Vanity Fair party to begin the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival in New York, US on April 17, 2012. Photo: Reuters/Lucas Jackson/File Photo US President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, will become a senior White House adviser working on trade and the Middle East, transition officials said on Monday, in a rare case of a close presidential family member taking a major job.

Cruz pushes to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Republican Senator Ted Cruz submitted a bill proposal to the new US Congress on its very first day calling for the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's eternal and undivided capital and to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Texan senator's bill, which was also sponsored by Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Nevada Senator Dean Heller, includes an article that suggests Congress would delay the transfer of budgets to the State Department until the move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is done.

Letter: U.S. veto an insult to Israel

Letter: U.S. veto an insult to Israel President Obama did not just "rebuke" Israel, but metaphorically spit in the face of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Check out this story on northjersey.com: http://northjersy.news/2iKOS85 When the United States abstained on United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, President Barack Obama did not just "rebuke" Israel, but metaphorically spit in the face of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israelis and supporters of Israel everywhere.

Israel expects more US-led moves at United Nations, official says

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, left, Secretary of State John Kerry, second from right, and National Advisor Susan Rice, right, listen while US President Barack Obama speaks during the 68th session of the General Assembly at United Nations headquarters. Israel expects more US-led maneuvers at the United Nations critical of the Jewish state, similar to the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem which passed on Friday when the US refused to wield its veto power to nix it, and which Israel says the Obama administration orchestrated alongside the Palestinians.

Russia Calls U.S. Move To More Easily Arm Syrian Rebels A ‘Hostile Act’

Syrians walk over rubble of damaged buildings, while carrying their belongings, as they flee clashes between government forces and rebels in Tariq al-Bab and al-Sakhour neighborhoods of eastern Aleppo towards other rebel held besieged areas of Aleppo, Syria November 28, 2016. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail/File Photo Moscow accused the U.S. Tuesday of a "hostile act" for taking action to more easily arm the Syrian rebels, Reuters reported Russia Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying.

Obama accused of ‘shameful’ anti-Israeli move at UN

An Israeli official has accused US president Barack Obama of colluding with the Palestinians in a "shameful move against Israel at the UN". An Israeli official has accused US president Barack Obama of colluding with the Palestinians in a "shameful move against Israel at the UN".

Senate Must Reject Trump’s Pick for Ambassador to Israel

In the machinery of the Holocaust, in the places where Jews and others were murdered by the millions, certain prisoners were compelled or volunteered to help the Nazis in the arduous business of genocide. These people were called Kapos, reviled by Jew and Nazi alike, and few of them survived.

Trump’s ambassador pick could drastically alter 2 of the…

President-elect Donald Trump tapped bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman to serve as the US ambassador to Israel on Thursday, raising questions about how Friedman's far-right views will upend Washington's longstanding approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Friedman, who has no diplomatic experience, is a fierce opponent of a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine that would create two independent states on either side of the Jordan river.

Trump, the Know-Nothing Victor

At least least there's one country where elections produce swift results. Since Donald Trump's victory, the Mexican peso has collapsed, the cost of mortgages has risen in France, the European Commission has eased its demand for budget austerity, Japan feels encouraged to re-arm, Israel is hoping that the US embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, opinion pollsters and proponents of campaign micro-targeting have kept their heads down, what little remained of journalistic credibility is all but gone - and the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead.

Fears grow for troubled ex-England star Paul Gascoigne as he…

The coldest handshake: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin photographed in brief and very frosty exchange at Peru summit - amid angry clashes over Syria and Russian support for Trump Melania and Barron Trump 'WON'T move to the White House so he can finish school in NYC' - threatening years of nightmarish traffic and security checks for shoppers near Trump Tower What blind trust? Donald Trump meets with Indian business partners and his three children a week AFTER being elected despite conflict of interest promises Horrific moment a children's hospital in Aleppo is bombed for the second time in a WEEK as workers desperately scramble to rescue babies in incubators Winter IS coming: Storm brings first snow of the season and icy winds in the Northeast as temperatures dip into the twenties Putin to ask Trump's permission to bomb Syria: Russian ambassador to London says airstrikes are 'diplomacy ... (more)

American Israelis: Pro-vote group left us without absentee ballots

A number of Americans living in Israel are complaining about iVote Israel, an organization founded by American Israelis to help expatriate Americans vote in US presidential elections. Potential voters supporting both political parties say that requests for absentee ballots filed through iVote were never received by their local elections officials and they did not receive their ballots for next week's election, Haaretz newspaper reported .