GOP push on health plan; conservatives, Democrats oppose it

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., left, accompanied by, from second from left, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tx., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks about health care during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. . Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

Vulnerable Dems lay low as town hall angst rages

From Montana to West Virginia, the nation's most vulnerable Senate Democrats are avoiding town hall meetings as their Republican counterparts get pummeled by an energized electorate frustrated with President Donald Trump's early agenda. Some Democrats prefer to connect with constituents over the telephone or using social media.

What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

Today, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the " State of Religious Liberty in America ." What was perhaps most striking about the hearing was how dated many of the speeches and arguments felt-as if an Obama-era hearing was being held nearly a month into the Trump administration.

Kari Hunt.

A bill has been re-filed named in honor of an East Texas mother who died in a hotel room after her daughter was unable to directly reach 911. Kari Hunt's daughter tried calling 911 from the Baymont Inn and Suites in Marshall on Dec. 1, 2013, to get help for her mother who had been stabbed repeatedly by her estranged husband, Brad Dunn.

Rep. Gohmert: Obama’s Russia Orders Not ‘Much of a Punishment’

Rep. Louie Gohmert Friday dismissed President Barack Obama's order for sanctions and the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats accused of spying as not being "all that much of a punishment" and amount to a middle school-style "slap back." "If you're going to punish somebody, what he did is not all that much of a punishment," the Texas Republican told Fox News' "Fox and Friends" program.

Volunteers put final touches on Rose City Rotor Fest

Helicopters from around Texas will be on display, but it's a replica Vietnam wall that organizers say will be the featured part of a salute to veterans and first responders. A wall to remember Vietnam veterans will stand next to a first responders display area as well as law enforcement, medical, military, and transport helicopters.

What’s the point of having a majority if GOP doesn’t use it?

Earlier this month, during an aside in his speech at the Values Voters Summit, Rep. Louie Gohmert shared an insight into the timid appeasers comprising GOP congressional leadership. When he first entered the House in 2006 the talk was of the big things the Republican majority was going to accomplish.

Texas congressman calls Clinton ‘mentally impaired’

Rep. Louie Gohmert, never known for holding his tongue, made clear Friday morning that his disdain for Hillary Clinton runs deep. The Texas Republican called the Democratic nominee for president "mentally impaired," a line that drew approving laughter Friday at a gathering of religious conservatives.

Texas GOP congressman mocks Hillary Clinton as mentally impaired: There’s special needs there

Rep. Louie Gohmert, never known for holding his tongue, made clear Friday morning that his disdain for Hillary Clinton runs deep. The Texas Republican called the Democratic nominee for president "mentally impaired," a line that drew approving laughter Friday at a gathering of religious conservatives.

S.E. Cupp Blames Decision To Court White Nationalists For GOP’s Problems

S.E. Cupp appeared on CNN shortly after Hillary Clinton's speech utterly ripping Donald Trump and the alt-right to shreds. Suffice it to say, she and others were very unhappy about the fact that Clinton rightly used Trump's own words and deeds to make her case.

‘We need to defeat these AWFUL Republicans’: Democrats send out a…

'We need to defeat these AWFUL Republicans': Democrats send out a flurry of fundraising emails to profit from gun control sit-in The DCCC sent out a number of emails, which starred Congressman John Lewis, who led the protest, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Pelosi called the Republicans' moves 'shameful,' while Rep. Louie Gohmert shamed the Democrats for fundraising off 'deaths of these people' Democrats were taking a stand - by having a seat on the House floor and refusing to budge until Republicans agreed to have gun control votes - but they were making a buck too.

The Latest: House GOP says electronic devices still banned

In particular, leaders told rank-and-file lawmakers that they are barred from using electronic devices to display audio or video recordings of House proceedings or take pictures on the House floor. Democrats openly flaunted those rules throughout a sit-in that lasted until early Thursday.

The Latest: House Dems, Republicans nearly come to blows

In this frame grab taken from AP video Georgia Rep. John Lewis, center, leads a sit-in of more than 200 Democrats in demanding a vote on measures to expand background checks and block gun purchases by some suspected terrorists in the aftermath of last week's massacre in Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people in a gay nightclub. Rebellious Democrats shut down the House's legislative work on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, staging a sit-in on the House floor and refusing to leave until they secured a vote on gun control measures before lawmakers' weeklong break.

The Latest: Pillows, Sleeping Bags for House Dems Protest

Rep. Elizabeth Esty of Connecticut had a sleeping bag, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts brought Dunkin' Donuts for her House colleagues who were staying awake. Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver II of Missouri, dressed in a pink suit, carried a pink-and-white striped pillow in his hand for several hours as he walked around the House chamber.

Lawmakers turned over gifts after trip

Lawmakers who took a trip secretly funded by the government of Azerbaijan turned over jade earrings, tea sets, silk scarves, woven rugs and other gifts to the government after a watchdog report called the trip improper. The list of gifts returned to the General Services Administration , which was obtained by The Hill through a Freedom of Information Act request, fills in more details about the trip to a 2013 conference in the Azerbaijan capital of Baku.

Lee student Stratton Weiss Hibbs receives Eagle Scout Award

Stratton Weiss Hibbs, 18, of Tyler, has earned the highest advancement award offered by the Boy Scouts of America, the Eagle Scout Award. Hibbs was recognized at his home with more than 200 people in attendance for his Eagle Court of Honor, including Congressman Louie Gohmert, who presented Hibbs with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol.