CNN Poll: 7 in 10 concerned about White House staff

President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the beginning of a meeting with his son-in-law and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner , Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly in the Roosevelt Room at the White House January 31, 2017 in Washington, DC. WASHINGTON - A new CNN poll conducted by SSRS finds that 70% of Americans are concerned about the number of employees who are serving in the White House without permanent security clearances, as the White House deals with the downgrade of clearances for dozens of employees who haven't yet received permanent approval for top secret access.

Gun control bill OK’d by Oregon; 1st since Florida shooting

In this Jan. 9, 2017, file photo, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown delivers her inaugural speech in the Capitol House chambers in Salem, Ore. People convicted of stalking and domestic violence or with restraining orders in Oregon will not be able to buy or own guns or ammunition after the Senate passed a bill which next goes to Gov. Kate Brown for her signature.

Ex-wife of former White House aide says Hatch has apologizedAssociated Press

In this Jan. 9, 2018, file photo, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the president pro tempore, arrives at the Capitol for weekly policy meetings, in Washington. Colbie Holderness, an ex-wife of former White House staff secretary Rob Porter said Sunday, Feb. 18, that she has received a letter of apology from Hatch, the Utah Republican who defended his former aide from "a vile attack" after Holderness and another ex-wife accused Porter of domestic abuse.

Trump at last denounces abuse; Kelly’s future in doubt NEW

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., meets with reporters following a GOP strategy session at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018. Ryan confirmed that Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Oversight Committee, updated him that the watchdog panel has decided to launch a probe related to the background investigation and security clearance for White House aide Rob Porter who has resigned due to domestic abuse allegations against him.

House panel opens investigation of ex-Trump aide Rob Porter

White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter, right, talked with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, left, as they waited for the arrival of President Donald Trump and began a moment of silence to remember the victims of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Oct. 2. WASHINGTON>> Lawmakers on Capitol Hill want to know how former presidential aide Rob Porter was allowed to work at the White House under an interim security clearance - despite allegations of spousal abuse. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent letters to the FBI and White House today as his panel opened an investigation into the matter.

GOP women frustrated by Trumpa s approach to abuse charges

The Trump White House's handling of abuse charges against men in its midst is frustrating prominent Republican women as the party's yearslong struggle to attract female voters stretches into the 2018 midterm elections. "It's the mixed signals.

House panel investigation over former Trump aide Rob Porter

FBI Director Christopher Wray is providing new details that call into question the White House timeline leading up to the departure of former staff secretary Rob Porter. President Donald Trump is looking for advice from a range of lawmakers as he considers whether to issue trade sanctions on aluminum and steel imports.

Porter timeline skewed

The FBI director, Christopher Wray, said Tuesday that the bureau's background investigation into Rob Porter, the White House staff secretary who resigned after spousal-abuse allegations, was formally closed in January. But the White House allowed Porter to continue serving in his post until the accusations surfaced publicly in news reports last week.

White House, FBI differ in accounts of investigation of aide

FBI Director Christopher Wray is providing new details that call into question the White House timeline leading up to the departure of former staff secretary Rob Porter. WASHINGTON - Contradicting the White House, the FBI said it gave the Trump administration information on multiple occasions last year about a top aide accused of domestic abuse by his two ex-wives, and the investigation wrapped up in January.

GOP women frustrated by Trump’s approach to abuse charges

The Trump White House's handling of abuse charges against men in its midst is frustrating prominent Republican women as the party's yearslong struggle to attract female voters stretches into the 2018 midterm elections. "It's the mixed signals.

White House says Trump takes domestic violence seriously

Facing another day of fallout, the White House on Monday defended President Donald Trump's failure to acknowledge publicly the women who've accused former staff secretary Rob Porter of domestic violence. With questions still swirling about who knew what and when, spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders repeatedly told reporters that the "president and the entire administration take domestic violence very seriously and believe all allegations need to be investigated thoroughly."

.com | White House says Trump ‘shocked’ by allegations against aides

Washington The White House insisted on Sunday that Donald Trump was "shocked and disturbed" by allegations of domestic abuse that led two staffers to resign, after the president faced flak for saying lives were being ruined by possibly false claims. Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to Trump, said the president pushed the two staffers out the moment he saw credible evidence against them.

Jeff Flake: Rob Porter scandal could hurt the GOP in the midterms

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake said the way the White House handled the domestic violence abuse allegations against former staff secretary Rob Porter could hurt the GOP at the ballot box in November. Flake said on NBC's "Meet The Press" the situation in the White House, and President Trump's failure to express sympathy for the two women Porter allegedly abused, could be a political problem for the party.