‘Isn’t it past your jail time?’: Jimmy Kimmel wins cheers at Oscars with Trump jibe

Oscars host makes comment onstage after ex-president writes scathing review of Kimmel on his Truth Social platform

Jimmy Kimmel threw a jab at Donald Trump while onstage at the Oscars less than an hour after the ex-president penned a scathing Truth Social post about the talkshow host.

On Sunday, just ahead of the last award of the night – best picture – getting doled out to Oppenheimer, Kimmel addressed the crowd at the 96th Academy Awards to share a review he had received about his performance as host of the ceremony.

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Jimmy Kimmel to host Oscars for fourth time

‘I always dreamed of hosting the Oscars exactly four times,’ said the late-night show, who hosted the Academy Awards in 2017, 2018 and 2023

Jimmy Kimmel is returning as host of the Academy Awards for the second straight year and fourth time overall, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced Wednesday.

Broadcaster ABC is turning again to its late-night host a year after bringing Kimmel back for a 2023 ceremony that drew 18.7 million viewers, the most since 2020’s pre-pandemic broadcast but still the third worst ever recorded. In the wake of Will Smith’s slap of Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars, Kimmel led a cautious ceremony that helped stabilize the Academy Awards after years of turmoil.

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Oscars TV ratings improve – to third worst ever

This year’s Academy Awards with Jimmy Kimmel at the helm drew an average TV audience of 18.7m – and a bigger share of younger viewers

The audience for the 2023 Academy Awards broadcast improved substantially on last year’s unimpressive figures, with a 12% jump on what was the second worst ratings performance in history.

Early ratings from Nielsen, supplied to the Hollywood Reporter, said that the show on ABC attracted an average of 18.7m viewers, compared to 16.6m in 2022. The audience share in the key 18-49 age demographic also improved, from 3.76 last year to 4.0.

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Pitt! Aniston! Roberts! Freeman! Was this the starriest Zoom ever?

A live-reading of 80s teen comedy Fast Times at Ridgemont High brought together an array of big names with a surprising standout

It can feel rather unsporting to turn a critical eye on the live-read fundraisers that have been cropping up since the Covid-19 pandemic banished all celebrities to their handsomely appointed homes. A guy’s got to be one of the world’s wetter blankets to dump on a charity event that aspires to little more than fostering a loose, convivial environment in which we can join famous friends as they have a good time. Fortunately, last night’s stripped-down Zoom read-through of the script for Fast Times at Ridgemont High – a special event put together by Dane Cook’s “Feeling A-Live” benefit series, with an introduction from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti explaining the good work of foundations CORE and Reform Alliance – didn’t give too much cause for harshing anyone’s buzz.

Related: 30 Rock: is the quarantine reunion worth the wait?

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How late night hosts reacted to Ford-Kavanaugh hearing

Late night hosts from Jimmy Kimmel to Seth Meyers all reacted to the biggest story on Thursday: The testimonies given by Christine Blasey Ford and U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. "Millions of Americans watched the much-anticipated testimonies of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexual assault, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford... People were crying in front of their televisions, you would have thought Milo Ventimiglia got killed by a Crock-Pot," Kimmel said on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" -- referring a scene on NBC's "This Is Us."

Porn star Stormy Daniels has reinvented the non-denial denial in alleged Trump affair

Stormy Daniels, an adult film star, isn't making it any easier for America to find out whether her alleged affair with President Trump really happened or is just a tall tale made up by Daniels or the so-called "fake news." From signed statements that completely deny the affair to telling talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel that Trump has "good taste" and that she had no idea where a signed statement came from, this whole controversy has a lot of people confused and adds a whole new level to the classic non-denial denial.

Stormy Daniels Joins Jimmy Kimmel for Post-‘State of the Union’ Guest Appearance

The adult film star, who is reported to have had an affair with Donald Trump in 2006, appeared on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' Tuesday night. Hours after President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union address, the adult-film star he allegedly had an affair with in 2006 appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! with a pair of puppets.

GOP bill

ABC's late-night host Jimmy Kimmel isn't likely to stop talking about health care anytime soon - especially after the harrowing surgery experience with his infant son, Billy, and the massive response he's received from viewers. But he did reach some closure on Tuesday night.

Livid Kimmel Turns Up The Heat On Sen. Cassidy For A 2nd Night

"Could it be, Sen. Cassidy, that the problem is that I do understand and you got caught with your G-O-Penis out?" For the second night in a row Wednesday, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel raged against a Senate bill meant to repeal Obamacare . It followed an impassioned critique of Sen. Bill Cassidy that captured media headlines just a day before.

Jimmy Kimmel Destroys ‘Fox & Friends’ Host Brian Kilmeade: ‘I’ll Pound You When I See You’

The late-night host went off on his detractors over the proposed Graham-Cassidy health care bill, which sadly fails to pass Sen. Cassidy's "Jimmy Kimmel Test." The Jimmy Kimmel Live! host opened his monologue late Wednesday night by addressing the Graham-Cassidy health care bill, a proposed piece of legislation by Senator Bill Cassidy and Senator Lindsey Graham that would replace Obamacare.

“Free Democrat ad”: Right-wing media assail Jimmy Kimmel for…

Right-wing media figures attacked Jimmy Kimmel, host of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!, after Kimmel sharply criticized Sen. Bill Cassidy as having "lied right to my face" about health care in May. Kimmel pointed out that the Affordable Care Act repeal package Cassidy is co-sponsoring does not protect all children with pre-existing conditions, even though Cassidy told Kimmel he would support only those bills that passed that test. Jimmy Kimmel calls out Sen. Cassidy for lying about health care bills: "This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face."

Jimmy Kimmel rips senator for a oelyinga about new health care bill

On Wednesday night, Jimmy Kimmel laced into Republican Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana for proposing new health care legislation that Kimmel said fails the "Jimmy Kimmel" test Cassidy himself had proposed in an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last May. Cassidy appeared on the program after Kimmel had made an emotional plea for health care legislation in the wake of his newborn son's need for life-saving heart surgery. But, Kimmel said, with new legislation that Cassidy and co-sponsor Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., have proposed, "Not only did Bill Cassidy fail the Jimmy Kimmel Test, he failed the Bill Cassidy Test."

‘Scam’: Kimmel Slams ‘Kimmel Test’ Senator’s Bill

Late night host Jimmy Kimmel sounded off on Wednesday to blast Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy for his part in crafting the latest GOP health care proposal that, Kimmel said, goes against the promises the senator had made to him on his show. Kimmel had discussed health care with Cassidy after the late-night host revealed in early May that his newborn son had open-heart surgery to fix birth defects.

Jimmy Kimmel returns after newborn son’s surgery and emotional plea for affordable healthcare

Jimmy Kimmel returned to his late-night TV show Monday a week after an emotional monologue about his newborn son's heart condition and surgery. Last week he proclaimed to his " Jimmy Kimmel Live " audience, through tears, that all children in this country deserve affordable healthcare.

See How Jimmy Kimmel Has Clinton Address Claims She’s Not Healthy Enough to Be President

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton disputed allegations that she is in poor health during an interview Monday on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live." "Here, take my pulse while I'm talking to you," Clinton told host Jimmy Kimmel.