How late night hosts reacted to Ford-Kavanaugh hearing

Late night hosts from Jimmy Kimmel to Seth Meyers all reacted to the biggest story on Thursday: The testimonies given by Christine Blasey Ford and U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. "Millions of Americans watched the much-anticipated testimonies of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexual assault, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford... People were crying in front of their televisions, you would have thought Milo Ventimiglia got killed by a Crock-Pot," Kimmel said on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" -- referring a scene on NBC's "This Is Us."

Porn star Stormy Daniels has reinvented the non-denial denial in alleged Trump affair

Stormy Daniels, an adult film star, isn't making it any easier for America to find out whether her alleged affair with President Trump really happened or is just a tall tale made up by Daniels or the so-called "fake news." From signed statements that completely deny the affair to telling talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel that Trump has "good taste" and that she had no idea where a signed statement came from, this whole controversy has a lot of people confused and adds a whole new level to the classic non-denial denial.

GOP bill

ABC's late-night host Jimmy Kimmel isn't likely to stop talking about health care anytime soon - especially after the harrowing surgery experience with his infant son, Billy, and the massive response he's received from viewers. But he did reach some closure on Tuesday night.

“Free Democrat ad”: Right-wing media assail Jimmy Kimmel for…

Right-wing media figures attacked Jimmy Kimmel, host of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!, after Kimmel sharply criticized Sen. Bill Cassidy as having "lied right to my face" about health care in May. Kimmel pointed out that the Affordable Care Act repeal package Cassidy is co-sponsoring does not protect all children with pre-existing conditions, even though Cassidy told Kimmel he would support only those bills that passed that test. Jimmy Kimmel calls out Sen. Cassidy for lying about health care bills: "This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face."

Jimmy Kimmel returns after newborn son’s surgery and emotional plea for affordable healthcare

Jimmy Kimmel returned to his late-night TV show Monday a week after an emotional monologue about his newborn son's heart condition and surgery. Last week he proclaimed to his " Jimmy Kimmel Live " audience, through tears, that all children in this country deserve affordable healthcare.

See How Jimmy Kimmel Has Clinton Address Claims She’s Not Healthy Enough to Be President

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton disputed allegations that she is in poor health during an interview Monday on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live." "Here, take my pulse while I'm talking to you," Clinton told host Jimmy Kimmel.