Trump’s own words revive debate over whether he’s racist

President Donald Trump pauses as he speaks during an event to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Friday, Jan. 12, 2018, in Washington. President Donald Trump pauses as he speaks during an event to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Friday, Jan. 12, 2018, in Washington.

J. Edgar Hoover’s name lives in infamy

I was Ubering down Pennsylvania Ave. the other day when I passed my favorite Washington location that demands a wrecking ball. It's not a statue to some forgotten slaveholder nor a memorial to some Jim Crow booster - Woodrow Wilson, for instance - but a building bearing the name of a racist, anti-Communist zealot who, in the name of God and the American flag, set out to destroy Martin Luther King Jr. I am talking about J. Edgar Hoover and the lump of cement named for him.

Menendez avoids ‘political grave,’ but cloud still looms

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez fights tears as he speaks to reporters outside Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Courthouse after U.S. District Judge William Walls declared a mistrial in Menendez's federal corruption trial, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017, in Newark, N.J. less U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez fights tears as he speaks to reporters outside Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Courthouse after U.S. District Judge William Walls declared a mistrial in Menendez's federal corruption ... more Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez becomes emotional as he speaks to reporters in front of the courthouse in Newark, N.J., Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017.

FBI document alleges Martin Luther King Jr. may have had child out of …

A newly revealed document from the John F. Kennedy assassination records paints a very defamatory picture of civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. A wide-ranging 20-page document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, titled "Martin Luther King, Jr. A Current Analysis," discusses King's alleged ties to communist influences and possible extramarital affairs. The FBI's interest in both has already been made public , as the agency's head at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, had the agency conduct surveillance on King during the 1960s as part of a domestic counterintelligence program.

Top StoryStatue of Martin Luther King Jr. unveiled in his hometown

The daughter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. stood beside her father's newly unveiled statue Monday, just a few blocks from where he grew up, handing out hugs and telling each well-wisher: "It's about time." The statue paying tribute to King made its public debut Monday on the Georgia Capitol grounds in front of around 800 people including Gov. Nathan Deal, many other state political leaders and several members of the King family.

Statue of Martin Luther King Jr. unveiled in his hometown

The daughter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. stood beside her father's newly unveiled statue Monday, just a few blocks from where he grew up, handing out hugs and telling each well-wisher: "It's about time." The statue paying tribute to King made its public debut Monday on the Georgia Capitol grounds in front of around 800 people including Gov. Nathan Deal, many other state political leaders and several members of the King family.

Georgia unveiling Martin Luther King Jr. statue on capitol grounds featuring Confederates

Officials are placing a statue of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Georgia state capitol in Atlanta on the same property where two statues of Confederate officials stand, according to The new statue of the civil rights leader is expected to be unveiled Monday - 53 years after King delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech. It will stand on the opposite side of the state capitol as a statue of John Brown Gordon, who was a Confederate general and reportedly a leader of the Klu Klux Klan, NPR reported.

Tax Day demonstrators in US take on Trump, his supporters

Thousands of chanting, sign-carrying protesters took to the streets in cities across the nation Saturday, demanding that President Donald Trump release his tax returns, so Americans can scrutinize his business ties and potential conflicts of interest. Violent clashes were the exception during the largely peaceful demonstrations, but in Berkeley, California, police arrested 13 people and confiscated knives and makeshift weapons after fistfights broke out between factions that support and oppose Trump.

Canadian Green Candidate Blames ‘White Privilege’ For Awkward MLK Speech Reenactment

A Green Party candidate in the British Columbia provincial election says his impersonation of Martin Luther King, Jr. was a consequence of his own "white privilege" and "a misguided attempt to share the inspiration" of the American civil rights leader. The Green Party, which runs on an extreme environmental agenda and left-of-center economics, is a growing political force in socially liberal B.C. Teacher Mark Neufeld, a candidate running near the provincial capitol of Victoria, decided to not only read large portions of King's "I've been to the mountaintop" speech but also to mimic King's speech patterns.

King letter and statement criticize Sessions prosecution

This photo provided by Armstrong Williams shows Senate Judiciary Chairman Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., posing for a photo with Coretta Scott King, widow of civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. and then Thurmond staffer Armstrong Williams, right, in this undated photo. A letter sent by Coretta Scott King saying Jeff Sessions would be a bad choice for a lifetime federal judgeship is receiving new attention after Sen. Elizabeth Warren was rebuked Feb. 7, 2017, for quoting King's letter on the Senate floor.

Spicer says Trump has met with Martin Luther King Jr.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, when pressed Tuesday about Trump's lack of meetings with civil rights leaders, said the President recently met with Martin Luther King, Jr. Spicer confused the iconic civil rights leader with his son, Martin Luther King III - who indeed did meet with Trump before the inauguration. "Just the other day, he sat down with Martin Luther King Jr.," Spicer said during his second daily briefing in the White House.