Opioid Litigants Get Boost From Senate Report

A report released by Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill points to $10 million of payments flowing from a group of five opioid-producing companies to 15 patient advocacy groups over a five-year period. The hundreds of pending opioid abuse lawsuits likely have just received a jolt from a report from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs linking opioid manufacturers and patient advocacy groups.

EpiPen investigation shows need for greater pricing transparency, other reforms

For months, my office has heard from families concerned about their ability to afford a device they desperately need in the event that a loved one suffers a sudden allergic reaction. Parents should not have to worry about whether they can afford an EpiPen for their children.

Mylan CEO says company has no plans to lower price of EpiPens

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch takes her seat on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday prior to testifying before the House Oversight Committee hearing on EpiPen price increases. Bresch defended the cost for life-saving EpiPens, signaling the company has no plans to lower prices despite a public outcry and questions from skeptical lawmakers.

Mylan CEO set to defend EpiPen prices amid public outcry

The head of pharmaceutical company Mylan is defending the cost for life-saving EpiPens, signaling the company has no plans to lower prices despite a public outcry and questions from skeptical lawmakers. "Price and access exist in a balance, and we believe we have struck that balance," Heather Bresch says in prepared testimony released by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ahead of her Wednesday appearance before the panel.

Mylan CEO defends EpiPen prices

In this file photo, a pharmacist holds a package of EpiPens epinephrine auto-injector, a Mylan product, in Sacramento Mylan CEO Heather Bresch is defending the cost for life-saving EpiPens and is offering no suggestion that there are plans to lower prices. Bresch's prepared testimony was released by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ahead of her Sept.

Mylan CEO to testify before House over EpiPen pricing: lawmakers

EpiPen auto-injection epinephrine pens manufactured by Mylan NV pharmaceutical company for use by severe allergy sufferers are seen in Washington, U.S. August 24, 2016. Mylan NL Chief Executive Officer Heather Bresch will appear at a Sept.

Mylan Fails to Stop EpiPen Firestorm as Senators Seek Answers

Mylan NV's latest attempt to deflect criticism over the price of allergy shot EpiPen failed to get the drugmaker out of the sights of Congress. Last week, Chief Executive Officer Heather Bresch was quick to react to the mounting political scrutiny over EpiPen's price hike with measures to reduce patients' out-of-pocket costs for the shot's $600 brand-name version.

Clinton scores a hit on EpiPen drugmaker

Give Hillary Clinton credit for calling out Mylan NV for price-gouging on its Epi-Pen emergency allergy shot. While a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators initially raised a ruckus over the drug's 400 percent cost increase, it was Clinton's voice that brought pressure to bear on the company to reduce prices.

Wall Street Journal reporter weighs in on Mylan controversy on “Talkline”

The controversy surrounding the skyrocketing costs of Mylan's EpiPens, medication that counteracts potentially deadly allergic reactions, is "a product of their own success," according to a Wall Street Journal reporter on the pharma beat. "For a long time, this wasn't a product that many people knew about or wanted and it's really a credit to Mylan for making it into a brand with a name that is as well-recognized and highly sought as Band-Aids," Jonathan Rockoff said on Friday's MetroNews "Talkline."

Bipartisan Scrutiny EpiPen price hike puts heat on Dem senator’s daughter

The mounting congressional scrutiny of pharmaceutical giant Mylan over its 400 percent price hike for EpiPen has created an awkward situation on Capitol Hill for Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin -- his daughter runs the company at the center of the scandal. Colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, are now slamming Mylan and demanding investigations into why prices were jacked so high on the lifesaving allergy treatment drug.

EpiPen CEO: Blame the ‘broken’ system, not me

Heather Bresch, the Mylan CEO under fire for skyrocketing EpiPen costs, believes Americans should redirect their anger toward a "broken" health care system. Mylan was forced to respond to the national outrage over a more than 400% increase in price for the lifesaving allergy treatment by pledging on Thursday to make it more affordable.

The maker of EpiPen isn’t out of the woods yet

Mylan Pharmaceuticals said Thursday that it would be giving a $300 "savings card" discount for a two-pack of EpiPens amid pressure to cut the price of the drug. Mylan has increased the price of EpiPen by 500% since it acquired the drug in 2007, and it didn't budge on the actual list price of the drug.

EpiPen maker to offer discounts after price hike firestorm

Drug maker Mylan said Thursday that it would offer discounts on a life-saving allergy shot after generating a firestorm when it implemented sharp price increases for the treatment. EpiPen maker to offer discounts after price hike firestorm Drug maker Mylan said Thursday that it would offer discounts on a life-saving allergy shot after generating a firestorm when it implemented sharp price increases for the treatment.

Correction: Congress-EpiPens-Manchin story

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin remained mum Wednesday as a pharmaceutical company run by his daughter faced mounting criticism for hiking prices on life-saving allergy injection pens. The Democratic West Virginia senator's daughter, Heather Bresch , is CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens.

Why These Five Stocks Are on Investors’ Radars on Thursday

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The Active Traders Guide To Hillary Clinton’s Rhetoric

Watch Interview With Kansas City Fed President Esther George on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business at 7:30 ET Just about a year after Democratic presidential nominee sent biotechnology stocks and exchange traded funds tumbling with rhetoric aimed at high drug prices, one would think that any healthcare company and its executives opting to raise prices on devices, pharmaceuticals and treatments by hundreds of a percent is just asking for trouble. Well, Mylan NV can now be a case study in bungling executive leadership after revealing steep price increases for its EpiPen used to treat patients with severe allergic reactions.

Sen. Manchin mum on EpiPen hikes by daughtera s drug company

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin remained mum Wednesday as a pharmaceutical company run by his daughter faced mounting criticism for hiking prices on life-saving allergy injection pens. The Democratic West Virginia senator's daughter, Heather Bresch, is CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens.