We Watch CNN’s Terrible Media Show So You Don’t Have To

The human-egg hybrid that is CNN "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter wants us to take a trip with him to "President Trump's Fantasyland." Is there no Brian Stelter fantasyland where a supposed media reporter feverishly forgets that his job is to cover the media - and instead expresses his puke-y hatred and disgust for President Trump ? I'm thankful for only one thing today - that Brian hasn't attempted the male facial hair trend that Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker has been trying as of late - skimming his jaw line with whiskers.

Clinton sees Trump ties to ‘alt-right’ dystopian ideology

" Hillary Clinton is ready to call out Donald Trump and his advisers for embracing a "disturbing alt-right" political philosophy that her campaign says presents "a divisive and dystopian view of America." Trump's campaign counters that the GOP presidential nominee has never used the term "alt-right" and disavows "any groups or individuals associated with a message of hate."