The Latest: Trump says shooting assailant died of injuries; Sanders…

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Congressmen: Baseball shooting suspect asked if they were Republicans or Democrats

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-LA, was among multiple people shot at a baseball practice for GOP lawmakers and staff Wednesday in Alexandria, VA. James Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old from Belleville, IL, is the suspected shooter who opened fire at a GOP lawmakers' baseball practice in Alexandria, VA, on Wednesday.

Who was present during the GOP baseball practice shooting

At least 20 Republican members of Congress were in attendance at this morning's baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, when a gunman began firing, injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise , R-La, and at least four other people. The GOP lawmakers that make up a 34-member team had been practicing for Thursday's annual charity congressional baseball game.

Flynn associates subpoenaed in Russia probe – CNN

Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas seeking business records from people who worked with former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn when he was a private citizen, CNN reported on Tuesday. Citing people familiar with the matter, CNN said the subpoenas were issued by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia.

Dem invites Methodist pastor who defends immigrants to Trump’s speech

Methodist pastor Keary Kincannon participates in a rally opposing President Trump's immigration agenda outside Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, on Feb. 16, 2017. Photo courtesy of GBCSUMC Many of the guests invited by Democrats to President Trump's address to Congress were picked to showcase opposition to the president - and in particular what many consider his hostility to immigrants.

The Latest: Lawyers discuss deal for those stuck in Djibouti

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, right, accompanied by Virginia Solicitor General Stuart Raphael, speaks outside the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Va., Friday, Feb. 10, 2017, following a hearing on President Donald Trump's travel ban. Lawyers for the state of Virginia are challenging President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration, arguing in federal court that his seven-nation travel ban violates the Constitution and is the result of "animus toward Muslims."

How to Make the Most of Medicare

Unraveling the ins and outs of Medicare, including what it covers, what it costs, and what stocks move higher or lower because of it. Medicare provides an important safety net in your retirement, but if you don't understand the ins and outs of this critical program, you might not get the most out of it.

Sanders campaign down to less than $6 million in cash

Bernie Sanders ' campaign had less than $6 million at the start of May, a critical cash shortage as he makes an admittedly tough final play to wrest the Democratic presidential nomination from Hillary Clinton . Sanders' rival had five times as much money, according to new Federal Election Commission filings, beginning the month with $30 million in the bank.

Bernie Sanders is running out of money

Bernie Sanders' campaign had less than $6 million at the start of May, a critical cash shortage as he makes an admittedly tough final play to wrest the Democratic presidential nomination from Hillary Clinton. Sanders' rival had five times as much money, according to new Federal Election Commission filings, beginning the month with $30 million in the bank.