Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax delivers keynote at black history event in Spotsylvania

Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and Xavier Richardson listen as former Ambassador Pamela Bridgewater speaks at New Hope Baptist Church in Spotsylvania, Va., on Feb. 11, 2018. Retired principal Constance Braxton speaks during a program at New Hope Baptist Church in Spotsylvania.

Dem invites Methodist pastor who defends immigrants to Trump’s speech

Methodist pastor Keary Kincannon participates in a rally opposing President Trump's immigration agenda outside Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, on Feb. 16, 2017. Photo courtesy of GBCSUMC Many of the guests invited by Democrats to President Trump's address to Congress were picked to showcase opposition to the president - and in particular what many consider his hostility to immigrants.

Biden to campaign with Kaine in election eve boost

Vice President Joe Biden will give his hopeful successor, Sen. Tim Kaine, a boost Monday evening, joining him at one of his final campaign rallies at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. "I've only known one vice president and it's Joe Biden, and I just think he is a great role model because I have talked to him about the role.

Michelle Obama warns young voters against being ‘turned off’

First lady Michelle Obama waves during a campaign rally in support of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and vice presidential candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., Friday, Sept. 16, 2016, at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.