China hits back at US criticism of oil-for-loan investments in Venezuela

China's support for Venezuela has benefited ordinary people and been broadly welcomed, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Monday after the United States Treasury accused Beijing of aiding Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government with murky oil-for-loan investments. In a Friday speech at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, the US Treasury's top economic diplomat, David Malpass, said China's focus on commodities and opaque financing deals had hurt, not helped, countries in the region.

Venezuelan socialists release some political prisoners ‘for Christmas’

Delcy Rodriguez, president of the National Constituent Assembly, speaks during a meeting of the Truth Commission in Caracas, Venezuela, in this file photo taken Aug 16. CARACAS: Three dozen opponents of Venezuela's socialist government were released from prison and reunited with loved ones on Sunday as part of a wider Christmas release, a local rights group said. Lambasted by critics at home and abroad for holding around 270 activists in prison, President Nicolas Maduro's administration said on Saturday it was releasing 80 of them with alternative sentences like community service.

Thirty-six Maduro foes freed in Christmas gesture in Venezuela

CARACAS: Three dozen opponents of Venezuela's socialist government were released from prison and reunited with loved ones on Sunday as part of a wider Christmas release, a local rights group said. Lambasted by critics at home and abroad for holding around 270 activists in prison, President Nicolas Maduro's administration said on Saturday it was releasing 80 of them with alternative sentences like community service.

Trump’s sanctions seek regime change in Venezuela

On November 3, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro proposed a meeting with creditors, for November 13 in Caracas, to discuss a restructuring of Venezuelan public debt. On November 8, the US administration reacted by warning US bondholders that attending this meeting could put them in violation of US economic sanctions against Venezuela.

White House considers Nicaragua sanctions for Venezuela links

The Venezuelan opposition met with members of Donald Trump's administration last week to urge the White House to sanction Nicaragua and a company whose joint venture they say is helping to prop up the government in Caracas, according to multiple sources familiar with the conversations. Five Venezuelan opposition party officials and activists met Thursday on Capitol Hill with U.S. State Department officials and staffers for the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committees.

After visit, U.S. Venezuela policy took turn

President Donald Trump's decision to suddenly announce a major change in U.S. policy toward Venezuela in February began with an unexpected Oval Office meeting with Lilian Tintori, the wife of the country's most prominent political prisoner. At the White House to meet Vice President Mike Pence and press the administration to do more about human rights in her home country, Tintori was whisked in to see Trump, who seemed unfamiliar with her story but praised her past as a reality television star in Venezuela's version of Survivor.

Venezuela expected to dominate Pence’s Latin American trip

Vice-President Mike Pence's visit to Latin America comes amid unrest in Venezuela and concern by its neighbours about a possible American military role. Pence planned to meet with Colombia's president, Juan Manuel Santos, later Sunday at the start of a weeklong trip likely to be dominated by conversations about the crisis in Venezuela.

Latin America rejects Trump’s military threat against Venezuela

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro gestures as he speaks during a session of the National Constituent Assembly at Palacio Federal Legislativo in Caracas, Venezuela August 10, 2017. Photo: Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino After months of attacking Venezuela's unpopular President Nicolas Maduro, Latin America came out strongly against US threats of military action against the crisis-hit nation.

Venezuela Slams `Madness’ as Trump Suggests Military Action

Venezuela will defend itself from the "madness" of Donald Trump, its defense minister said, a day after the U.S. president said he's considering a military option in response to the escalating political and economic crisis in the oil-producing nation. "It is an act of madness, it is a supreme act of extremism," Vladimir Padrino said Saturday in statements to Venezuela's state broadcaster VTV.

Why the Trump Administration cares so much about Venezuela

A woman cries during a rally where opposition supporters pay tribute to victims of violence in protests against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government, in Caracas, Venezuela Here's a telling omen: Under orders from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the State Department is reportedly drafting a new mission statement for itself. According to Josh Rogin of the Washington Post , the drafts are nearly identical to the current mission statement, except that they remove any mention of building a "democratic world" as a U.S. foreign policy goal.

Threat of U.S. oil sanctions on Venezuela sparks fears of economic a collapsea

People line up to cast their ballots at poll station during a symbolic referendum in Caracas, Venezuela, on Sunday. Venezuela's opposition called for a massive turnout Sunday in a symbolic rejection of President Nicolas Maduro's plan to rewrite the constitution, a proposal that's escalating tensions in a nation stricken by widespread shortages and more than 100 days of anti-government protests.

Prosecutors charge man with 9 Phoenix serial killings

An elite prep school is again under fire for allegations involving a game of sexual conquest similar to one a few years back where a student was charged with sexually assaulting a freshman over a sordid tradition... An elite prep school is again under fire for allegations involving a game of sexual conquest similar to one a few years back where a student was charged with sexually assaulting a freshman over a sordid tradition called the "Senior Salute." . The Trump administration plans to arrest parents and other relatives who authorities believe smuggled their children into the United States.

Jailed Venezuela activist dispels rumors of health emergency

The wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez rushed to Caracas' military hospital late Wednesday seeking information on her husband after a report on social media said he had been taken there with a medical emergency - a scare that proved to be wrong. "Please, can you inform us if anyone brought Leopoldo here? Did he enter or not?" Lilian Tintori could be heard pleading tearfully through the metal bars at the hospital's entrance.

Clashes in Venezuela as Maduro starts constitutional rewrite

Thousands of protesters were met with plumes of tear gas in Venezuela's capital Wednesday, just a short distance from where President Nicolas Maduro delivered a decree kicking off a process to rewrite the polarized nation's constitution. Surrounded by top-ranking socialist officials, a riled-up Maduro told supporters dressed in red outside the National Electoral Council that the constitutional assembly was needed to instill peace against a violent opposition.

Venezuela’s Cuba-controlled dictatorship goes beyond simple repression

A chilling, first-hand account of a doctor refusing to turn a battered protester in to "law enforcement" puts a new spin on the word "terrorist." Those are the words that GNB officers who caught a young Venezuelan during last Monday's rally in Caracas used to try to convince the doctor curing his wounds to let them take him to jail.