The Trump Administration’s Own Numbers Show “Zero Tolerance” Didn’t Work

Border immigration statistics released Thursday appear to show that the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy has not deterred asylum-seeking families from illegally crossing the U.S-Mexico border or made a significant dent in overall immigration. The data, released by Customs and Border Protection, show that the number of immigrant families arrested after illegally crossing the southern border has remained steady over the past three months, hovering around 9,500.


A White House official involved in the vetting process tells me that President Trump's Supreme Court pick will come down to "who he feels most comfortable with in a personal setting." The personal touch is how Trump makes most big decisions, whether it's picking top staff or deciding how to treat other world leaders.

That’s Just What Trump Promised

I keep going back to this, because it's the kind of thing people all over the political spectrum regularly say, but all they focus on are the purely conservative things Trump promised. You can have contempt for voters for not understanding that Trump was full of shit about everything that was possibly nice, but he promised basically everything and some of those "nicer" promises were amplified by the media quite a bit.

Pruitt’s Exit Is Deserved, But Won’t Change the Trump Administration

Note: President Donald Trump today announced he would accept the resignation of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. Scott Pruitt was the stuff of late-night parody, but he also was emblematic of the Trump administration - its corruption, its deadly deregulation, its handover of total power to the very industries that agencies are regulating and of course its unprecedented and pervasive ethical failures.

Pruitt’s Departure Welcome, But Overdue

Following a series of scandalous revelations about his conduct in office, Scott Pruitt will no longer serve as administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency . His departure is a positive step, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists-not just because of his personal corruption but because of how his actions have violated the mission of the agency.

Good Riddance, Scott Pruitt

"In an administration that is notorious for its corrupt approach to governing, Scott Pruitt's shamelessly self-enriching antics actually stood out. Pruitt's systematic attack on the EPA itself, his devotion to polluting industries, and his disdain for American public health and environmental protections made him an unfit leader of the agency.

Scholars dismantle the myth policing trans kids’ genders

Experts push back on a number of flawed studies and claims about the desistance myth, popular with parents eager to stop their transgender children from transitioning. As debate rages over how best to care for children who are gender nonconforming, a group of Canadian scholars are working to change the way families and care providers respond.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigns

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt walks during an Independence Day picnic for military families on the South Lawn of the White House July 4, 2018 in Washington, DC. President Trump tweeted that he had accepted Pruitt's resignation but added that "within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this."

Scott Pruitt’s replacement expected to carry on Trump’s anti-regulatory agenda at EPA

With a top coal lobbyist stepping in to serve as acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency , few people are expecting Scott Pruitt's resignation to slow down the Trump administration's efforts to deal a knock-out blow to the agency's ability to protect the environment. President Trump on Thursday named EPA deputy administrator Andrew Wheeler - whose beliefs on environmental protection are as radical as Pruitt's - to serve as acting administrator of the agency.

Trump sidelined as UN Security Council plus Germany Meet Iran’s Rouhani in Vienna

The five foreign ministers, minus US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of the countries signatory to the 2015 Iran deal on curbing its civilian nuclear enrichment program, will meet in Vienna on Friday to explore ways of preserving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action after the treaty was violated by the Trump administration. The JCPOA was signed by Britain, France, Russia, and China on the UN Security Council plus Germany as an informal representative of the European Union.

Israel arrests 9 Bedouin Protesters at it Prepares to Bulldoze their Village

Scuffles broke out on Wednesday between Israeli authorities and protesters who feared preparations were underway to raze a Bedouin village in a strategic part of the occupied West Bank, despite international calls for a reprieve. Protesters, including some waving Palestinian flags, tried to block a bulldozer and scuffled with police at Khan al-Ahmar on the eastern outskirts of Jerusalem.


Are only Republican officials allowed visas to Moscow? by digby Last year, this is where a bipartisan group of Senators spent the 4th: Here's the truly disturbing thing about all this --- they're there on the day after the SSCI released a report which stated unequivocally that Russia interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump. They seem completely unconcerned that it might happen again.