15% of Ohioans could see higher taxes under GOP plan

As part of an effort to overhaul the federal tax code, House Republican leaders want to scrap a key section of the current code used by more than 40 million Americans to deduct their property taxes and state taxes from their returns. But because the tax plan also eliminates the $4,000 personal exemption, the combined changes could lead to higher taxes for as many as 15 percent of Ohio's taxpayers, according to a study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a nonpartisan, nonprofit in Washington.

Joe Biden Condemns Harvey Weinstein as a Disgusting and Immorala The…

Former Vice-President Joe Biden has joined the many Democrats denouncing Harvey Weinstein, a longtime supporter of candidates on the left, following allegations that he sexually harassed and assaulted many women during his long career in Hollywood. Biden condemned the film mogul at a Manhattan fundraiser for the nonprofit Anti-Violence Project, where he received an award for his work on behalf of the LGBT community.

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Reacts To Latest DOJ Assault On LGBTQ Community

Kristen Clarke, President and Executive Director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, issued the following statement "The text of Title VII, federal case law, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all support interpreting and applying Title VII's prohibition on sex discrimination to cover the stark discrimination faced by transgender individuals. Transgender individuals are among some of our nation's most vulnerable communities and they experience discrimination in virtually every area of life based on their sex.

New Analysis Counters Claim that Federal Workforce Grew in Recent Years

The perpetual quest for the right size of an effective U.S. government should start with a realistic inventory of the "blended workforce" of civil servants, contractors and grant recipients, a scholar of government argued in a new pair of papers with fresh research. "Most experts agree that the federal leadership hierarchy is now much too tall, wide and isolating, but the flattening must be done with care, not through benign or deliberate neglect," wrote Paul C. Light, professor of public service at New York University and a long-time specialist in government reform.

Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Protection Agency Should Be ‘Abolished,’ Says Think Tank

Consumers are being harmed by the same federal agency that was created to protect them after the 2007 recession, but none of the three branches of government can do much about it, according to a report released Thursday by a conservative nonprofit think tank. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - an independent agency established under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act - is costing, rather than saving consumers money , according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute's report.

Russian Ad Buys on Facebook Prompt Calls to End Wild West on Web

Social media platforms are capturing a growing share of political advertising in the U.S. and the revelation that Russian interests used Facebook to influence the presidential election are stirring calls for greater transparency. Television stations, cable and satellite companies and radio stations all must keep records of and disclose who pays for political messages on their outlets, how much they paid, and when the ads aired.

Americaa s unfriendly skies

Liberals love to portray the Republicans as the party of the rich and powerful. The GOP has tried valiantly to shed that criticism, but then why are so many in the party defending the special interest favors that go to private and corporate jet owners over the interests of all the rest of us? Do Warren Buffett and LeBron James really need a taxpayer subsidy to jet across the country? At issue here is the proposed modernization of the operations and pricing of America's air traffic control system.

Red Cross launches first U.S. drone program for disastersReuters

The American Red Cross will for the first time fly a drone to assess damage and funnel aid to areas of Houston flooded by Hurricane Harvey over the last two weeks, the agency and sponsors said on Thursday. The Red Cross is expected to be the largest U.S. non-profit aid group to employ the technology when it begins flights next week in a test program that could be used after disasters in other parts of the United States.

Students Not ‘Innocent Until Proven Guilty’ At 3/4 Of America’s Top Universities

University students are not "innocent until proven guilty" at approximately 75 percent of America's top schools, announced a civil liberties non-profit organization Tuesday. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education released this figure and others in its Spotlight on Due Process 2017, a study scoring U.S. News & World Report's 53 top universities on 10 criteria of due process.

Retired U.S. Army colonel charged in Haiti bribery scheme

He's an influential Haitian-American who hosted Haitian prime ministers and U.S. lawmakers at his Maryland home, and informally advised the U.S. State Department on matters concerning Haiti. Now Dr. Joseph Baptiste, a retired U.S. Army colonel and practicing dentist, is accused of conspiring to bribe senior Haitian government officials to win support for an $84 million port project in the country's northern region.

Josh Mandel wants churches freed to endorse, raise funds

In announcing his "Faith Outreach Team" Tuesday, Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel took up a fight already declared by President Donald Trump. Mandel, who is seeking the GOP nomination to challenge Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, said the faith team's top goal would be to get rid of the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 law prohibiting churches and other non-profits from endorsing political candidates or raising money for them.

Firm buys trio of nursing homes

WINNEBAGOa S- Heartland Senior Living, a local non-profit community corporation, has recently purchased three senior care providers in southern Minnesota from current owner ElderCare of Minnesota. The three senior care providers are Parker Oaks Community in Winnebago, Parkview Care Center in Wells and Truman Senior Living in Truman.

Blumenthal to host roundtable on seniors, jobs in Bridgeport

United States Sen. Richard Blumenthal will meet and participate in a roundtable discussion with participants and host agencies of the MaturityWorks program on Monday at Burroughs Community Center, 2470 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport. less United States Sen. Richard Blumenthal will meet and participate in a roundtable discussion with participants and host agencies of the MaturityWorks program on Monday at Burroughs Community Center, 2470 ... more United States Sen. Richard Blumenthal will meet and participate in a roundtable discussion with participants and host agencies of the MaturityWorks program on Monday at Burroughs Community Center, 2470 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport.