Air Force’s KC-135 pilots enjoy thrill of refueling at 39,000 feet

The brown, craggy terrain of the Rockies, bluish rivers and the green of trees seem so close, and then a massive B-52 bomber comes into view, flying directly at you. Sure, your enjoyment of the view is hampered slightly by the fact that you're lying flat on your stomach and you have about a foot of room on any side, but it's still awe-inspiring to see such power gliding through the sky, seemingly effortlessly.

a Doca wins Pentagon approval to use McConnell Air Force Base runway

The Department of Defense has given permission for "Doc," the Wichita-built B-29 bomber, to use a runway at McConnell Air Force Base for ground testing, essentially clearing a path for its first flight. The nonprofit group, Doc's Friends, has been restoring the vintage bomber since it came to Wichita in pieces in 2000.

Restored vintage World War II bomber certified to fly

A World War II aircraft that took nearly 16 years to restore might be flying over Kansas in the next few weeks after receiving a certificate of airworthiness from the Federal Aviation Administration. A nonprofit group called Doc's Friends on Friday officially accepted the FAA certificate for a B-29 bomber known as "Doc."