Mourners pack funeral for 8 of 20 killed in NY limo crash

A unity urn with cremated ashes of Adam Jackson and Abigail Jackson is set in place as friends and family prepare for a funeral mass at St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church in Amsterdam, N.Y., for eight of the 20 people killed in last Saturday's fatal limousine crash in Schoharie, N.Y., Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018.

Opposition grows to controversial deal between Beijing, Vatican

A long-expected, controversial deal between the Chinese government and Catholic leaders in the Vatican has sparked opposition, including inside the Church itself. The provisional agreement, which will see the Vatican recognize the legitimacy of bishops appointed by the Chinese government, comes at a time when the ruling Communist Party is cracking down on "illegal" Christian groups in the country.

Case of accused ex-chaplain: Pipe smoking, silk underwear and gifts

A stooped Arthur J. Perrault shuffled into federal court with a cane Friday, handcuffs dangling from his wrist, a security belly chain around his waist. The bearded priest - on American soil for the first time in more than two decades - told a U.S. magistrate judge that he'd had a stroke three years ago, was deaf in one ear, and had trouble walking and remembering.

Former Catholic priest, on the lam for 26 years, returns to U.S. to face sex abuse charges

A former Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing dozens of victims in New Mexico over a 30-year-span is in federal custody after 26 years on the lam, the Department of Justice announced Friday. Arthur Perrault , a former military chaplain, is under indictment for repeatedly molesting a boy at Kirkland Air Force Base and at the Santa Fe National Cemetery in the early 1990s.

How the Pope’s death penalty stance could be a quandary for Catholic politicians

Pope Francis' decree that the death penalty is "inadmissible" in all cases could pose a dilemma for Roman Catholic politicians and judges in the United States who are faced with whether to strictly follow the tenets of their faith or the rule of law. Some Catholic leaders in death penalty states have said they'll continue to support capital punishment.

Death penalty decree could be quandary for US politicians

Pope Francis' decree that the death penalty is "inadmissible" in all cases could pose a dilemma for Roman Catholic politicians and judges in the United States who are faced with whether to strictly follow the tenets of their faith or the rule of law. Some Catholic leaders in death penalty states have said they'll continue to support capital punishment.

A question of ‘frustration’: Does Gov. John Bel Edwards support the death penalty?

Does Gov. John Bel Edwards support the death penalty? It's a question that chief political rival Attorney General Jeff Landry has been pushing for weeks now, with no clear answer from the governor, who has repeatedly deferred to state law on the matter and dismissed questions about his personal views on the topic. "The biggest frustration is that the governor just won't give us an answer.

Pope to Jeff Landry: Death penalty is always wrong. Period | Opinion

Pope Francis, left, on Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018 declared the death penalty wrong in all cases, a change in church teaching at odds with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry's push for speeding executions in the state. with something akin to divine intervention, when Pope Francis declared the death penalty wrong in all cases.

Here’s the biggest news you missed this weekend Source: Cox Media Group

A 70-year-old woman and her two great-grandchildren died in a mobile home leveled by the wind-driven wildfire ravishing Northern California near Redding, raising the death toll now at six. More than 3,000 firefighters were battling the blaze, which grew over the weekend to 140 square miles and was just 5 percent contained Sunday.

Dilan seeking to toss Salazar off Democratic primary ballot over…

Les Moonves and CBS Face Allegations of Sexual Misconduct - Six women accuse the C.E.O. of harassment and intimidation, and dozens more describe abuse at his company. - For more than twenty years, Leslie Moonves has been one of the most powerful media executives in America.

Bishop criticizes priests who attended Trump rally as VIPs

A Roman Catholic bishop says four Montana priests who attended President Donald Trump's rally in Great Falls as VIPs last week should not have been wearing their clerical garb. The four priests could be seen in the audience Thursday applauding as the president joked about the #MeToo movement against sexual assault, called Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts "Pocahontas" and questioned former President George H.W. Bush's use of the phrase "Thousand Points of Light" to promote volunteerism.

Bambera joins bishops at border

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3 Things U.S. Catholic Bishops Can Do About Family Separation and Incarceration at the Border

Salvadoran migrant Epigmenio Centeno and his sons enter the shelter House of the Migrant, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico June 19, 2018. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez At the spring meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this week, Tucson Bishop Edward Weisenburger asked for guidance on how "border bishops" should respond to the Department of Homeland Security policies that separate immigrant children and parents.