The Obama Era Deficit Scolds All Want Big Tax Cuts NowFix the Debt is now fixina to get paid.

One of the unnoticed ways in which American politics has changed under Donald Trump is the quiet disappearance of the budget deficit as a fixation of the news media and the business and political elite. During Barack Obama's two terms in office, terror about deficits positively consumed the discourse.

Watch live at 9 p.m.: President Trump addresses Congress

President Donald Trump's first address to Congress gives him a welcome opportunity to refocus his young administration on the core economic issues that helped him get elected - and, his allies hope, to move beyond the distractions and self-inflicted wounds that have roiled his White House. Trump's advisers say he will use the speech to declare early progress on his campaign promises, including withdrawing the U.S. from a sweeping Pacific Rim trade pact, and to map a path ahead on thorny legislative priorities, including health care and infrastructure spending.

Trump looks to refocus his presidency…

With his first address to Congress, President Donald Trump has an opportunity to refocus his young administration on the economic issues that helped him get elected. His allies hope it will help him move beyond the distractions and self-inflicted wounds that he has dealt with so far.

Trump Looks To Refocus His Presidency In Address To Congress

President Donald Trump's first address to Congress gives him a welcome opportunity to refocus his young administration on the core economic issues that helped him get elected - and, his allies hope, to move beyond the distractions and self-inflicted wounds that have roiled his White House. Trump's advisers say he will use his prime-time speech Tuesday to declare early progress on his campaign promises, including withdrawing the U.S. from a sweeping Pacific Rim trade pact, and to map a path ahead on thorny legislative priorities, including health care and infrastructure spending.

Former Whitman-Walker official named White House health adviser

In a little-noticed development, then President-elect Donald Trump on Jan. 5 named former Whitman-Walker Clinic associate director Katy French Talento as his White House health policy adviser. Talento's LinkedIn page and other biographical information on her shows that she served from December 1998 to November 2000 as a Whitman-Walker Program Evaluator and later as its Associate Director for Contracts and Grants.

As New Hampshire goes, so goes the Senate?

In 1936, President Franklin Roosevelt defeated Kansas' Gov. Alfred Landon in 46 of the 48 states, thereby creating the jest, "As Maine goes, so goes Vermont." Eight decades later, New England has gone from the Republicans' last redoubt in a bad year to their least receptive region in any year.

Race for governor: It’ll be two executive councilors competing for the corner office

For the first time in recent memory, two members of the state's Executive Council will face off in the race for governor - Republican Chris Sununu and Democrat Colin Van Ostern. The matchup wasn't set until Wednesday afternoon, when Sununu was declared the winner in a tight Republican primary race against political newcomer Frank Edelblut.