Washington First In Nation To Protect Net Neutrality

Washington became the first in the country to sign a bill specifically opposing the Federal Communications Commission's rollback of net neutrality regulations. Net neutrality requires providers to treat all content in a similar fashion, without slowing down or speeding up users' service.

Washington is latest in handful of states to ban bump stocks

Lydia Ringer, 16, a junior at Roosevelt High School in Seattle, holds a sign that reads "NRA - Not Right for America," Tuesday, March 6, 2018, as she attends a rally against gun violence at the Capitol in Olympia, Wash. The rally was held on the same day Gov. Inslee was scheduled to sign a bill banning the sale and possession of gun bump stocks in the state of Washington.

Washington Becomes 1st State to Approve Net-neutrality Rules

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, center, speaks before signing a bill Monday, March 5, 2018, in Olympia, Wash., that makes Washington the first state to set up its own net-neutrality requirements in response to the Federal Communications Commission's recent repeal of Obama-era rules. The FCC voted in December to gut U.S. rules that meant to prevent broadband companies such as Comcast, AT&T and Verizon from exercising more control over what people watch and see on the internet.

Washington State Tells Ajit Pai to Suck It

As we likely all are aware, Ajit Pai's FCC voted a few months ago to undo federal Net Neutrality laws, and in that process the FCC also prohibited states from making their own "local" Net Neutrality laws. Washington state has stepped up to become the first to fully thumb its nose to the FCC by passing its own Net Neutrality protections .

Washington legislators tackle homelessness for those on aid

It's a success story state lawmakers and advocacy groups are trying to replicate by targeting perhaps the biggest challenge faced by the homeless: rejection. Woods, 52, slept on friends' couches for eight months and had eight property owners turn her down before she found a landlord willing to accept her Section 8 voucher, a federal subsidy that helps low-income people pay their rent.

The Latest: UK lawmaker suspects Russian attack in spy case

Skripal, a former Russian spy is in critical co... . Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speaks after signing a bill Monday, March 5, 2018, in Olympia, Wash., that makes Washington the first state to set up its own net-neutrality requirements in response to the Federal Communications Com... Setting up a likely legal fight with the Trump administration, Washington has become the first state to enact its own net-neutrality requirements.

Child marriages decline, led by big fall in South Asia

Setting up a likely legal fight with the Trump administration, Washington has become the first state to enact its own net-neutrality requirements. Rats, mold and fists: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gives state education chiefs some "tough love" as she pushes them to innovate.

The Latest: NKorea to stop weapons tests if it has US talks

In this Monday, March 5, 2018 photo, provided by the North Korean government on March 6, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, meets South Korean National Security Director Chung Eui-yong,... . In this Monday, March 5, 2018 photo, provided by the North Korean government on March 6, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center, his sister Kim Yo Jong, and Vice Chairman of North Korea's ruling ... .

Washington State Is Set to Vote on a Carbon Tax. For the Governor, It’s a Gamble.

Want the latest climate news in your inbox? You can sign up here to receive Climate Fwd: , our new email newsletter. This week in the statehouse in Olympia, Wash., Gov. Jay Inslee is battling to bring a vote on a historic climate change policy that he has pursued for years: instituting the nation's first tax on planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution.

The Latest: Trump says he’d have rushed into Fla. school

President Donald Trump says he would have rushed, unarmed, into the Florida high school where a mass shooting was happening, if he had been there. Trump says, "You don't know until you're tested, but I think I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon, and I think most of the people in this room would have done that, too."

Governor Jay Inslee’s message for Donald Trump on guns:…

The Governor of Washington directly challenged Donald Trump 's proposal to arm teachers, telling the President educators had urged against the idea. "I just think this is a circumstance where we need to listen that educators should educate and they should not be foisted upon this responsibility of packing heat", Governor Jay Inslee told the President during a White House gathering.

Governors worry about cyberattacks during fall elections

Will your vote be safe this year from foreign adversaries working to undermine U.S. democracy? Some of the nation's governors aren't so sure. State leaders of both parties worried aloud Sunday about the security of America's election systems against possible cyberattacks ahead of this fall's midterm elections, aware that Russian agents targeted more than 20 states little more a year ago, and the Trump administration has taken a mostly hands-off approach to the continued interference.

Washington Lawmakers approve legislative records exemption

Rowland Thompson, right, executive director of Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington, testifies during a joint work session of the Senate and House State Government Committees, Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018, at the Capitol in Olympia, Wash. The session was held to discuss a bill filed Wednesday by lawmakers who want to circumvent a recent court ruling finding them fully subject to the state's public disclosure laws.