Senate Democrats: Fight Mitch McConnell’s attempt to make Trump normal, shut it down

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes. But... At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the... UPDATE 05/10/2017 10:07 AM: Donald Trump has fired FBI director James Comey.

Photo: William S. Boyd, founder and executive chairman of

William S. Boyd, founder and executive chairman of Boyd Gaming Corporation, speaks during a ceremony honoring former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) at UNLV Thursday, April 20, 2017. Reid was officially named as the first Distinguished Fellow in Law and Policy at UNLV's Boyd School of Law.

The Left Brought on the Nuclear Option by Making Judges Political

Speculation abounds regarding what the Senate's having gone "nuclear" means for those of us living in the brave new morning after. For every commentator who rues that our justices will now decline in quality , there's one who explains that this moment actually breaks the fever of our toxic judicial politics.

Editorial: It’s time for a vote on Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is right to sue the federal government - and his old friend, new Energy Secretary Rick Perry - over the Energy Department's handling of the Yucca Mountain project. If we're serious about climate change and carbon emissions, then we're going to have to get serious about nuclear power .

Gorsuch deserves confirmation

During his first two days of testimony in Senate hearings on his nomination to the Supreme Court by President Trump, Judge Neil Gorsuch displayed high intelligence, independence, impartiality, modesty and firmness, qualities that will serve the nation well if he is approved as the ninth justice. His performance gives the Senate's Democratic minority a problem.

What every American should know about the CIA analyst who quit and blamed Trump

While several media outlets rushed to interview Price and depict him as an ethical, non-political CIA officer who rejected what he claimed was the "deceitful" and "delusional" Trump administration, a brief look at the facts suggest not only is this a blatant instance of fake news, but that Price is a "fake" CIA analyst. OK, Price really did work for the CIA.

Morning Digest: Which Nevada Democrat will challenge the Senate’s most vulnerable Republican?

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... **NOTE: THE FORM LETTER IS BLANK. WE WILL ACHIEVE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH UNIQUE LETTERS.

Major Media Remain in Denial

Since Donald Trump's election, the major media have been trying to figure out what they did wrong, given their fawning coverage of Hillary Clinton and their anti-Donald Trump stories. Didn't they help twice elect Barack Obama? Why didn't the formula work this time? Mostly the media blame voters, talk radio and Fox News, never themselves.