FBI director’s Clinton comment gives ammunition to Nevada Republicans

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a union rally in front of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas on, Oct. 12,2015. Follow @jlscheid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a union rally in front of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas on, Oct. 12,2015.

Washington flummoxed over federal displays of Confederate flags

A year after South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from its capitol grounds, official Washington is struggling with further restrictions on the flag's display on federal property, including in the U.S. Capitol complex. The National Park Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Army have longstanding guidelines for its cemeteries that permit display of the Confederate flag one or two days a year.

Washington flummoxed over federal Confederate flag displays

A year after South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from its capitol grounds, official Washington is struggling with further restrictions on the flag's display on federal property, including in the U.S. Capitol complex.

The Clinton-Lynch Meeting: Corruption, Not Bad – Optics’by David…

The nation's top law-enforcement official and the former president and husband of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee - who is under federal investigation - had a talk. Rather than conceding that such a private encounter is at the very least a conflict of interest, Democrats preemptively complained about the "optics."

Lawmakers promise to complete rescue package for Puerto Rico

" Senate Republican and Democratic leaders on Tuesday promised to complete a rescue package for debt-stricken Puerto Rico before a $2 billion debt payment comes due on Friday. "Failure is really not an option," Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters after meeting with his GOP caucus.

U.S. Senate Democrats block GOP’s Zika funding bill

A dysfunctional Senate split along party lines on Tuesday and left a $1.1 billion proposal to fight the Zika virus in limbo, despite growing fears and a continental U.S. caseload that's exceeding 800. Democrats blocked the GOP-drafted measure by a 52-48 vote Tuesday -- short of the 60 votes required to advance it.

Senate set to begin voting on Puerto Rico rescue package

The Senate is set to begin voting on a rescue package for debt-stricken Puerto Rico, just two days before the island is expected to default on a $2 billion debt payment. The White House-backed measure faced some opposition from both Republicans and Democrats, but party leaders endorsed it and promised to complete it before the July 1 deadline.

President Barack Obama

The White House Thursday promised that President Barack Obama would veto the long-delayed response of the Republican-controlled Congress to the president's request for fighting the Zika virus , saying it provided too little money and contained too many partisan provisions. The $1.1 billion measure had already appeared sure to die in the Senate next at the hands of filibustering Democrats backing Obama's $1.9 billion request and opposing spending cuts that House Republicans added to the measure.

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Cattle on the range near the…

With southeast Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy behind bars as he and his four sons await trial, the Bureau of Land Management announced Friday that it plans to resume work in the Gold Butte region for the first time since an armed standoff near Bundy's Bunkerville ranch in spring 2014. The BLM said in a news release Friday that "[w]ith the support of the local community, BLM officials have determined that the conditions are now right to resume work.

Harry Reid Striving to Win 1 Last Campaign Before He Retires

So the canny 76-year-old is doing the next best thing as he heads into retirement after more than three decades: working the inside game as only he can, to ensure he leaves Democrats in control of the Senate, the White House and his home state of Nevada next year. Reid hand-picked the Democratic candidate to replace him, former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto.

Sharron Angle-backed Nevada ballot proposals struggling

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle said Wednesday that while she hasn't given up, it will be an uphill battle to gather enough signatures to meet an upcoming deadline for her three proposed ballot measures, including requiring a photo ID to vote. Angle didn't estimate how many signatures have been collected to support the proposals ahead of a June 21 deadline.

Congressman calls Trump a racist

Donald Trump's criticism of a Latino judge overseeing a lawsuit involving Trump University shows that the presumptive Republican nominee for president is a racist, a Democratic congressman said Monday, and he told Trump to take his proposed border wall and "shove it up your ass." Rep. Filemon Vela of Texas said in an open letter that Trump's "ignorant anti-immigrant opinions," border wall rhetoric and continued attacks on the judge "are just plain despicable."

Democratic congressman calls Trump a racist

A Democratic congressman said Monday that Donald Trump's criticism of a Latino judge overseeing a lawsuit involving Trump University shows that the presumptive Republican nominee for president is a racist - and told Trump to take his proposed border wall and "shove it up your ass." Rep. Filemon Vela of Texas said in an open letter that Trump's "ignorant anti-immigrant opinions," border wall rhetoric and continued attacks on the judge "are just plain despicable."

The Latest: Reid hits McConnell for backing Trump

The Latest on the presidential campaign a day before voters choose their candidates in six states : Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid is going after Majority Leader Mitch McConnell after the Kentucky Republican declined to label Donald Trump's criticism of U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel as racist. The feisty Nevada Democrat Reid called McConnell, "the poster boy for Republicans' spinelessness that allowed Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee."

Harry Reid: Sanders is ‘coming back to the Senate’ with more power

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 10. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders won't win their party's nod, but that doesn't mean his campaign has been in vain. Amid reports that Sanders' campaign is burning through its cash, Reid told MSNBC's "AM Joy" that the self-proclaimed democratic socialist will be a more powerful voice than ever before in the Senate.

Clinton and Lynch – Corruption, Not ‘Optics’

Attorney General Loretta Lynch tells us that her meeting with Bill Clinton aboard a private jet on the Phoenix airport tarmac was "primarily social" - you know, just two Democrats swapping stories about their grandkids and whatnot. The nation's top law enforcement official and the former president and husband of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee - who is under federal investigation - had a talk.