Editorial: Thumbs up, Thumbs down for May 26

Editorial: Thumbs up, Thumbs down for May 26 'Comfort women' honored; EPA pledges site monitoring in Edgewater; Lyme on the rise Check out this story on northjersey.com: https://njersy.co/2Lv0drW Comfort Women Memorial unveiling ceremony dedicated to the thousands of enslaved Asian women during WWII, at Constitution Park in Fort Lee. This week, the group comprised of high school-aged activists, unveiled a memorial to the Comfort Women, a group of Asian women who were kidnapped during World War II - and then forced into sexual slavery.

GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

Now that the GOP tax bill sharply limits the deduction for state and local taxes, pre-retirees in high-tax states may ponder: Should I stay or should I go? President Donald Trump said the tax legislation he signed today will get a boost in popularity when Americans begin seeing their paychecks rise in February, and he said he thinks Democrats regret not supporting it. Now that the GOP tax bill sharply limits the deduction for state and local taxes, pre-retirees in high-tax states may ponder: Should I stay or should I go? The final version of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act," which was released Friday, places a cap of $10,000 on the deduction filers can take for a combination of state and local income, sales and property taxes.

Bridgegate defense attorney launches attack on Wildstein’s ‘deceit’

Defense attorney Michael Critchley, who represents former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly, right, took the lead Friday as he began his cross examination of David Wildstein, the government's star witness in the Bridgegate trial. (Julio Cortez NEWARK - Defense attorney Michael Critchley launched a furious attack on Bridgegate prosecution witness David Wildstein Friday, repeatedly calling him a liar, a thief and an abusive individual who would do whatever it took to further his own interests.

Kelly: It’s time for some answers in Fort Lee

Why Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich and his borough were the apparent targets of orchestrated traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge remains as one of the perhaps unexplainable mysteries of the Bridgegate saga. Why punish a relatively powerless, mostly unknown Democratic mayor for not publicly endorsing a Republican governor whose reelection was never in doubt? And why punish him so harshly - with crippling townwide traffic jams that lasted portions of five days? It remains to be seen whether the questions will be fully explored in the trial of two former aides to Governor Christie for their alleged roles in the scandal.