Destination Imagination, Inc. Appoints New Executive Director

Michele Tuck-Ponder, Esq. was named Executive Director of Destination Imagination, Inc. after serving as the Interim CEO since December 2017 Destination Imagination , a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching students the creative process through hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics and social entrepreneurship challenges, today announced the appointment of Michele Tuck-Ponder, Esq.

Kelly: It’s time for a new plan for the Hudson RR tunnels

Kelly: Can NJ and NY build a Hudson Rail Tunnel without Trump? With President Trump withdrawing support for the new rail tunnel, is there another way to do the project? Check out this story on Tree service companies doing a brisk business, a robotics competition in Mount Olive and a "Sopranos" prequel - all in "7 things to know in New Jersey this weekend." A train enters the area known as "A interlocking," where tracks intersect under Penn Station.

Year in Review: The Return of Sheila Oliver

After a tumultuous period as Assembly speaker from 2010 to 2014, Sheila Oliver fell prey to the same New Jersey Democratic bosses who had orchestrated her rise. She was seen as too independent-minded and not enough of a team player during a heady time when Democrats were busy cutting all kinds of deals with Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

US suspends immigration program helping non-Muslim Iranians

Austria has shut its door to about 300 non-Muslim Iranians hoping to use the country as a way station before establishing new homes in the United States, The Associated Press has learned. The action is an early ripple effect of U.S. President Donald Trump 's effort to clamp down on refugee admissions.

Who will be the next top prosecutor in New Jersey?

Who will be the next top prosecutor in New Jersey? Trump to pick Garden State's next top federal prosecutor Check out this story on Legal and political insiders are still wondering who might be the next federal prosecutor for New Jersey after Inauguration Day, and whether the state's top Republican, Gov. Chris Christie, will have any say in the process. The top prosecutor job in each of the 94 federal judicial districts is a political appointment.

Bridgegate witness: A loyal Christie soldier? Or self-serving braggart?

As mysterious lane closures at the George Washington Bridge came under heightened scrutiny by the news media and state lawmakers in late 2013, David Wildstein told a close friend he wanted to fall on the sword to try to kill the story. Perhaps by resigning from his made-up position as director of interstate capital projects of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Wildstein thought, he would appease reporters and Democratic legislators digging into the September traffic jams that virtually shut down the borough of Fort Lee, Bergen County, for four days.

Bridgegate defense attorney launches attack on Wildstein’s ‘deceit’

Defense attorney Michael Critchley, who represents former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly, right, took the lead Friday as he began his cross examination of David Wildstein, the government's star witness in the Bridgegate trial. (Julio Cortez NEWARK - Defense attorney Michael Critchley launched a furious attack on Bridgegate prosecution witness David Wildstein Friday, repeatedly calling him a liar, a thief and an abusive individual who would do whatever it took to further his own interests.

University of Brescia and Mount Sinai Expand Cooperation with First Internationalization Summit

Faculty from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai joined colleagues from around the world at the University of Brescia in Italy for a recent conference on the internationalization of education and research. The 2016 Brescia Internationalization Summit, held on July 13, 2016, included a roundtable discussion where participants explored the university's role in creating a new generation of globally minded professionals for the advancement of science.

Congress sends Obama bill to regulate toxic chemicals

Congress on Tuesday sent President Barack Obama a sweeping bill that would for the first time regulate tens of thousands of toxic chemicals in everyday products, from household cleaners to clothing and furniture. In a rare display of bipartisanship in an election year, the Senate backed the measure on a voice vote after Republicans and Democrats spoke enthusiastically about the legislation.