UK and Ecuador – seeking end to Assange stand-off’

Ecuador's president says his country and the United Kingdom are working on a legal solution for Julian Assange that would allow the Wikileaks founder to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in "the medium term". President Lenin Moreno told The Associated Press that Mr Assange's lawyers are aware of the negotiations.

Trump now says he accepts that Russia meddled

President Donald Trump voiced support Tuesday for US intelligence agencies, a day after he refused to accept their findings on Russia's election meddling over the denials of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and vowed to take action to prevent further interference. Reading prepared remarks to reporters at the White House, Trump reiterated that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia and that the country's efforts had no impact on the final results.

Royal etiquette for the Trumps’ visit: Don’t kiss the queen

In this June 8, 1982 file photo, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, on Centennial, and Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, on Burmese, go horseback riding in the grounds of Windsor Castle, England. US President Trump enjoys flouting diplomatic rules and expressing himself in bold and sometimes mocking tweets and comments, but that side of his personality is unlikely to surface when he takes tea Friday, July 13, 2018 with Queen Elizabeth II.

Trump meets president of Portugal at White House Source: AP

Meeting in the maelstrom of breaking news, President Donald Trump took a moment Wednesday to explain the significance of a Supreme Court vacancy to visiting Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Trump greeted Rebelo de Sousa in the Oval Office and then turned to the cameras to offer his reaction to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement.

Trump Seeks Meeting With Putin Even as Allies Seek to Isolate Russia

President Trump hopes to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in the next few weeks even as the American leader increasingly clashes with European allies over how to counter Moscow's assertive actions in Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Trump is sending his national security adviser, John R. Bolton, to Moscow next week to discuss a possible meeting.

A Cartoonist Captures Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Very Royal Wedding

If you were watching the royal wedding on Saturday, you weren't alone-funnily enough, millions of others around the world were also watching. Isn't it amazing what cameras and TV and the Internet can do? Will McPhail , a cartoonist for The New Yorker , was using some of the aforementioned technologies to watch, too, and all the while live-drawing wonderful scenes from the whole affair.

Trump in Twitter war with New York Times as he gets correction wrong

Trump in bizarre Twitter war with New York Times as he wrongly attacks paper for article about Ukrainian's $150,000 foundation donation for 20-minute video speech Trump spoke to a 2015 Kiev conference via video link in exchange for a $150,000 donation to his family charity President claimed Wednesday that The New York Times got it wrong - but his claims agree with what was in the original story Donald Trump's latest Twitter spat with The New York Times left Washington insiders scratching their heads on Wednesday when the president tried to correct a 'phony story' that was already correct.

Two anniversaries, one enduring relationship

Countless Slovaks and Americans continue to cultivate and renew the strong bonds of friendship between the US and Slovakia through cooperation in the business, technological, cultural, and educational spheres. It is one of the most iconic images of the Second World War.

I’m Not A Rich Jew – And I Hate The Stereotype

On a recent business trip to L.A., when I mentioned I was Jewish, an Asian businessman told me that his son would ask him daily: "Dad, why was I not born a Jew, they are so smart and so rich!" I smiled at the "compliment." That's what's called a positive stereotype - like the ones that all Asian-Americans are good at math.

US embassy hits back at Donald Trump – bad deal’ claim after UK visit cancelled

The US embassy in London said its move to a new location has been completed within budget - just hours after Donald Trump described it as a "bad deal". Mr Trump has refused to travel to the UK to open the new American embassy, hitting out at its move from Grosvenor Square in the prestigious Mayfair district of central London to an "off location" at Nine Elms, south of the Thames.

Donald Trump slams the new US Embassy in Battersea and says he will not travel to London to open it

US president Donald Trump has confirmed he will not travel to the UK to open the new American embassy - and hit out at the Battersea location of the 1.2 billion dollar project. Writing on Twitter, Mr Trump said he thought the embassy's move from Grosvenor Square in Mayfair to Nine Elms, was a "bad deal".

‘Celebration of Life’ for San Francisco mayor who died at 65

In this Aug. 15, 2017, file photo, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee listens to questions during a news conference at City Hall in San Francisco. Hundreds of people are expected for a public celebration in San Francisco Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017, of the life of Lee, who died suddenly Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017.

For Trump adviser at center of Russia probe, a rapid rise and dramatic fall in his ancestral land

A brass band played, fighter jets streaked the clear blue sky and a red carpet adorned the airport tarmac on the day in May 2016 when Vladimir Putin came to Athens for a visit. "Mr. President, welcome to Greece," the Greek defense minister, Panos Kammenos, said in Russian as he smiled broadly and greeted a stone-faced Putin at the base of the stairs from the plane.

Portrait of a Marriage: Julia Child Captured in Paul Child’s Shimmering Photographs

These tender black-and-white pictures, from the couple's early days in France, show a Julia Child before books, before cooking on television, before fame. of the most significant meals of the last century occurred almost seventy years ago, on November 3, 1948, when Paul and Julia Child, two years wed, arrived in Le Havre on the S.S. America from New York.

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with Hungarian officials in Budapest

Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, speaks with reporters Nov. 2, 2017 on Capitol Hill in Washington. The travels by onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page to meet with senior officials in Hungary during the 2016 Presidential election are being closely examined by congressional investigators, given the increasingly close ties between Hungary and Russia and the role of the country as a central hub for Russian intelligence activity.