Year in Review: The Return of Sheila Oliver

After a tumultuous period as Assembly speaker from 2010 to 2014, Sheila Oliver fell prey to the same New Jersey Democratic bosses who had orchestrated her rise. She was seen as too independent-minded and not enough of a team player during a heady time when Democrats were busy cutting all kinds of deals with Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

Post-Prez Election Gloom Lingers in Corners of NJ Dem Party Establishment

The stench of cigarette smoke, carbolic, vomit, and a hint of coming closed coffin lids climbed off the casino carpets like the plague as a squat overweight man in late middle age in a Don Johnson T-shirt with a jacket thrown over it rolled the dice at one of the tables and emitted a prehistoric shriek of triumph. The crowds plodded in and out of the dull, liver-yellow lit room in dogged pursuit of individualized pleasure - or pain, or as was the case in a clump of Newarkers outside a coffee shop on the street, agony.