The Latest: Israeli drones torch Gaza tires ahead of protest

Witnesses say Israeli drones have dropped incendiary materials, setting ablaze tires that had been collected for use in a planned Gaza border protest. In weekly protests since March, Gaza activists have been using the thick smoke from burning tires as a cover against Israeli snipers on the other side of the fence.

Israel (Finally) Bars Foreign BDS Groups from Entering Israel; Obama, …

Israel has finally had enough and banned from entering the country foreign groups that support the anti-Israel BDS movement including the Obama-Hamas terrorist allied American group Code Pink. Code Pink was one of six US groups banned.

On the eve of Modi’s visit, Israel backs India against Pakistan

On the eve of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "historic" visit to Israel, a senior official from the Israeli foreign ministry said that his country supports India on what he called "terrorism emanating from Pakistan." Israel believes that there is no difference between Pakistan based "Lashkar-e-Taiba" and the Hamas group operating in Israel and Palestine, said Mark Sofer, deputy director general in charge of the Asia and Pacific division.

Palestinians funded UK Labour leader’s 2009 trip to meet Assad

Jeremy Corbyn speaks after being reelected as the head of the UK Labour Party, at a party conference in Liverpool on September 24, 2016. The leader of the UK's Labour party visited Syria in 2009 on a trip paid for by a Palestinian rights group and met with Syrian President Bashar Assad.