Senators demand feds release Wright AFB groundwater toxicology study

U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rob Portman, R-Ohio, are among a bipartisan group of 10 senators who have demanded the Trump administration release a toxicology study that could recommend lower threshold advisories for exposure to chemicals found in groundwater at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and other installations across the country. The senators wrote in the June 8 letter they had "deep concerns" with media reports the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had blocked the results of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services chemical pollution study that reportedly showed lower thresholds of the contaminants could pose a hazard to human health.

Mortgage rates fall for the second week in a row

A Freddie Mac sign stands outside the company's headquarters in McLean, Virginia, U.S., on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. Senator Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat and a member of the Senate Banking Committee, said a bipartisan bill to replace Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is too complicated and doesn't do enough to address too-big-to-fail concerns or provide assistance for affordable housing.

When Trump Attacks Democrats Mostly Stay Quiet

Politico : "After laying into Sen. Jon Tester in late April, Trump is reveling in a new round of attacks on the 10 senators up for reelection in states that the president won in 2016. Always more of an attack dog toward his enemies than a defender of his allies, Trump is laying into 'Sleepin'' Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, calling Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania a 'disaster' and blaming Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio for 'catch and release' immigration policies."

Trump and Democrats get blame for confirmation chaos

When Mike Pompeo was confirmed by the Senate last month for secretary of state, he received just 57 votes as only six Democrats supported him. For example, Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has voted for only two of the nominees and was the only senator to oppose the confirmation of Jim Mattis for secretary of defense.

Here’s how Ohio’s primaries shook out

Democratic Party voters turned out in larger numbers than past primaries this year - but does that signal a blue wave crashing in November? Hello, all! Did you vote yesterday? You probably want to know how that all turned out, eh? Or heck, maybe you were like me and stayed glued to the Hamilton County Board of Elections' site all night. Either way, let's take a look at how the whole thing went.

Republicans Get Their Wish in W.Va., Ind., Ohio Primaries

Republicans breathed a collective sigh of relief Tuesday night as primary contests for the U.S. Senate produced a trio of candidates they consider effective challengers to Democratic incumbents in states President Trump won in 2016. The races in West Virginia, Indiana and Ohio were the first in what will be a months-long string of crowded primaries for Republicans in key battleground states, lasting until Wisconsin and Arizona vote in August.

Mitch McConnell’s Big Night

Tuesday night could have theoretically gone better for Mitch McConnell, but not by much. Voters selected Republican Senate nominees in three states that were won overwhelmingly by Donald Trump in 2016, and instead of picking wacky outsiders who could torpedo the party's chances in November, the rank-and-file opted for nominees who should be able to capably carry the torch for the next six months.

Trump floats ‘closing country for a while’

Washington, May 6 - US President Donald Trump has floated a new idea about border security, saying that people might have to think about closing up the country, the media reported. They don't want the wall but we're going to get the wall, even if we have to think about closing up the country for a while, CNN quoted Trump as saying during a tax reform roundtable in Ohio on Saturday.

Immigration laws foolish, Trump insists

President Donald Trump renewed a threat to close down the federal government when current funding runs out in September if immigration changes and money for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico aren't forthcoming. "We may have to close up our country to get this straight," Trump said Saturday during an event in Cleveland focused on the benefits of the 2017 Republican tax overhaul.

Trump promotes ‘America First’ in Ohio ahead of primaries

President Donald Trumps gestures during a roundtable discussion on tax reform at Cleveland Public Auditorium and Conference Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday, May 5, 2018. President Donald Trumps gestures during a roundtable discussion on tax reform at Cleveland Public Auditorium and Conference Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday, May 5, 2018.

Warren probes CFPB over lobbyists’ influence on Mulvaney

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pressing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau over what arrangements the agency has made to ensure that acting Director Mick Mulvaney is excluded from decisions that affect banks and other firms that previously gave him campaign contributions. In a letter to Sonya White, the agency's ethics official, the Massachusetts Democrat asked for details on what matters Mulvaney is recused from following comments he made earlier this week in which he said campaign contributions were a key factor in whether he took meetings with lobbyists.

VA nominee Ronny Jackson in jeopardy as Senate delays hearing amid ‘serious allegations’

WASHINGTON President Trump's nomination of Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs is in peril as the Senate delayed his confirmation hearing amid concerns about his record.

Democrat Richard Cordray Gains Support From U.S. Sen. Warren in Ohio Gubernatorial Race

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Richard Cordray got a boost today from Democratic Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren - who many progressives idolize and many conservatives demonize. Warren appeared with Cordray, the former head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which she created under President Obama.